How DEI Has Destroyed Ivy League Universities

How DEI Has Destroyed Ivy League Universities

The diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mandate is deceptive. Most people see it as measures “innocently” supporting “different groups.” Several prestigious American universities have pursued DEI as the latest trend. This effort is disastrous. As a result, some major firms now prefer not to hire their graduates. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied … Read more

How Communist China Infiltrates American Universities

On July 17, 2020, Attorney-General William Barr gave a speech about the Chinese threat at the Gerald Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Attorney-General’s choice of location was ironic, in that Gerald Ford’s Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, was the architect of the existing U.S-China relationship. Mr. Barr did not mince words in exposing … Read more

Another Nail in the Common Core Casket

A Modern Parable Imagine that you are incredibly wealthy. This is not just the kind of wealth that allows you to have a half dozen homes. It’s a fortune that you will never use in your lifetime. From your detached perspective, you can see that things in the nation are not going as you think … Read more

This is How Higher Education Went Mad

“If you were to examine any speech made by a university president fifty years ago, you would find that the word ‘excellence’ occurs with great frequency…. If you made the same examination now, you’d find that ‘diversity’ has taken its place.” This quote summarizes the main idea behind the book, The Breakdown of Higher Education: … Read more