Cardinal Gregory: Does Sin Still Matter?

Over Thanksgiving weekend, Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C. went to Rome to receive a cardinal’s hat. His Eminence will henceforth be known as Cardinal Gregory, as he exercises an office that carries with it great responsibility. His elevation to cardinal coincides with the possible elevation of Joseph Biden to the presidency of the United … Read more

Justice Comes to All, Even to Supreme Court Judges

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at the age of 87. Immediate tributes poured in from all over the world, praising this activist judge who contributed to so many important decisions that will affect America negatively for decades to come. Most encomiums praised her tenacity, talents and abilities. They celebrated her academic and legal … Read more

How Toxic Self-Love Leads to Social Upheaval

There is a raging current inside postmodern society that holds that people must seek self-esteem as a means to fulfillment. Fortified by the constant use of social media, individuals can construct a positive image of themselves for public consumption. This exercise of self-love promises happiness but delivers misery. However, the self-esteem movement suffers from no … Read more

Three Themes Needed to Recover from the Coronavirus Crisis

The coronavirus crisis is turning our lives upside down. The shutdown’s economic impact will be extremely severe. However, we should hope for a profound religious turnaround as we struggle to find meaning in the events around us. Much of the media seeks to reduce the crisis to natural causes. Its apocalyptic character, though, thrusts us … Read more

If I Die, I’m Going to Hell

As the coronavirus spreads across the nation, officials are taking measures to ensure the health of the body. Sadly, the health of souls is brutally neglected. A recent message on Twitter brings home just how shocking the situation has become. One woman wrote: Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic … Read more

This is the Sure Cure for Coronaphobia

The coronavirus dominates world news, whipping up a hysteria rarely seen in modern times. While the virus has yet to display its full fury, the reaction to it is at a frenzy.  There are two spectacles taking place: the coronavirus and the fear of the coronavirus that might be called coronaphobia. At this point, the … Read more

Sin and Vice Do Not Belong in the GDP

Economics can be a brutal science. Its focus is limited to a particular part of human activity that deals with the process of wealth creation, acquisition, production, and consumption. It measures what has, and not what should have, been done. Economics is also a science of measurements. By calculating profits and losses, businessmen can plan … Read more

Is the Popular Video Game Fortnite Sinful?

The video game, Fortnite Battle Royale, is disrupting many a household: Parents tell horror stories of young sons who play it non-stop and suddenly turn violent toward those who oppose their playing. For those unfamiliar with Fortnite, it is an immensely popular fast-paced video game which was released in the summer of 2017. It has since gathered … Read more