Is Cancel Culture Being Canceled?

Is Cancel Culture Being Canceled?

Once a dominant force on social media and public discourse, Cancel culture is now showing severe signs of wear. This trend involves calling out and boycotting individuals or organizations for perceived wrongdoings. It is losing its grip on the collective consciousness. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where … Read more

Explaining Colin Kaepernick’s New Communist Endgame

Back in 2016, Quarterback Colin Kaepernick offended the nation when he knelt on one knee during the playing of the National Anthem before a football game. His protest “against police brutality” changed the National Football League forever. Soon, other players imitated the activist quarterback. Thus, began the process in which America’s favorite national pastime was … Read more

Saint Michael’s Police Rallies Blanket America

“There doesn’t seem to be anyone against us,” I thought as I stood at a busy intersection with a sign asking people to honk in support of the police. The response was overwhelming. The din was such that it was hard to talk to other participants nearby. I was comforted by knowing that my rally … Read more

Using Impeachment to Make America Ungovernable


The bizarre impeachment drama is over, and most Americans still cannot make sense of it. The exhausting proceedings took America on an emotional roller coaster ride providing an experience that was, to paraphrase Shakespeare, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Thus, most people blocked the hearings out of their lives. They hoped the issue … Read more

Can the Public Square Be Value-Neutral in Today’s America?

Public discourse is in a sad state these days. People are not even talking about issues or political problems. Long gone are the times of lofty discussion about ordered liberty and inebriating individualism. Today things are getting ugly. The unpleasantness was brought to light by the Sohrab Ahmari-David French brawl over how to present the … Read more

Three Things You Can Do While Boycotting the Super Bowl

Return to Order Three Things You Can Do While Boycotting the Super Bowl 4

Super Bowl Sunday has long been revered by millions of Americans as the greatest football experience of the year. It was something not to be missed. However, Super Bowl 2018 will be different. Some will be sitting this one out. In fact, it is possible that the super bowl will never be the same again. … Read more

The Opioid Crisis: A Spiritual Solution

Return to Order The Opioid Crisis: A Spiritual Solution 2

An opioid crisis is devastating America. Every day, more than ninety Americans die by overdosing on these new killers. The crisis involves the misuse of and addiction to opioids such as prescription pain relievers, fentanyl and heroin. New powerful synthetic opioids have become especially deadly. Too many people mistakenly reduce the problem to materialistic causes. … Read more

The Real Issues Underlying the Dreamer Debate

Return to Order The Real Issues Underlying the Dreamer Debate

The problem with the “dreamer” debate is that it has little to do with children or their dreams. Most of the “dreamer children” are now adults. On average, the 800,000 recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program who entered America illegally as minors—alone, or brought by parents or relatives—are about 24-years-old today. … Read more

Why the End of Malls Will Not Make Shopping Any Better

Return to Order Why the End of Malls Will Not Make Shopping Any Better

As the Christmas season ends, there is a general agreement that the age of malls is coming to a close. Retail sales are no longer dominated by the vast complexes of physical shops anchored by big-box stores once found all over the country. Indeed, malls are no longer delivering the goods to shoppers looking for … Read more