Beware the Rule of the Riot-makers

In the face of the recent riots, many try to distinguish between protesters and the “radical elements” who riot. The former are always good and even patriotic. The latter are lamentable and perhaps criminal. In the words of Gen. James Mattis, the riots are the work of “a small number of lawbreakers” that detract from … Read more

Using Impeachment to Make America Ungovernable


The bizarre impeachment drama is over, and most Americans still cannot make sense of it. The exhausting proceedings took America on an emotional roller coaster ride providing an experience that was, to paraphrase Shakespeare, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Thus, most people blocked the hearings out of their lives. They hoped the issue … Read more

Authority Is From God, but Also for Him

August 25 is the feast of Saint Louis, King of France, a model of Catholic statesmen, who participated in two crusades. Dom Prosper Guéranger (1805-1875), the famous Abbot of Solesmes, makes some excellent commentaries about Saint Louis. From the pen of this great Catholic writer, one of the most important churchmen of his time, we … Read more

How to Find and Prosper in the Ultimate “Safe Space”

The book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to An Organic Christian Community – Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go, does not provide a detailed blueprint for a return to the world of God’s order.  Many may be frustrated by this lack of detail. However, author John … Read more

Woodrow Wilson or the Virgin Mary: Who Was Right About Peace?

Arrogant men throughout history have claimed that they can establish peace on earth. Modern examples abound. The United Nations Charter talks of faith, but not of God. At their “summit meetings” world leaders constantly talk about peace yet it evades them.  All too often lofty aspirations vanish as words are forgotten. November 11, 2018, will … Read more

The Influence of Monasteries on the Middle Ages’ Economic Boom

Henry Goodell, president of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, described how the medieval monks saved agriculture from decaying. Their accomplishments have left a legacy lasting 1500 years. He explains how they did it in the most unlikely and difficult ways. They searched for distant and inaccessible places to live in solitude. They then drained swamps and … Read more

Natural and Organic Life v. Artificial & Mechanical Existence

Return to Order Natural and Organic Life v. Artificial & Mechanical Existence 1

  A room with cleverly calculated proportions: wide enough and with a high enough ceiling to simultaneously convey the harmonious yet contrary impressions of warmth and relief. It easily accommodates the furniture, paintings, chandelier, and people with enough space for them to move about naturally, without bumping into something or someone. The furnishings are not … Read more

Imagine No Imagine

Return to Order Imagine No Imagine

A few days ago, the small a capella choir at the public high school in which I teach received a special opportunity to showcase their considerable skills. A local television station invited them to sing one selection which was to be telecast. The members of this choir, some of whom I teach, were understandably excited … Read more

A Christmas Reflection

Return to Order A Christmas Reflection 5

We gather to celebrate the beautiful feast of Christmas, a lovable tradition, established and handed down to us through the centuries. As the year comes to a close, we look back to find that last year ended in similar circumstances: generalized chaos and confusion as risks increase. Presently our situation is similar to last year’s … Read more