Turning Just War Theory into Justified Surrender Theory

Turning Just War Theory into Justified Surrender Theory

It is trendy to cite Church teaching when commenting on political affairs and foreign policy. The added authority of the Catholic Church gives force, certainty and credibility to political opinions. Thus, these citations find their way into the Ukrainian war debate. As Russia’s war of unjust aggression against Ukraine rages on, officials and influencers are … Read more

Why America Must Reject Isolationism and Its Dangers

Why America Must Reject Isolationism and Its Dangers

As the present liberal order crumbles, many are proposing alternatives that call for major changes to the flawed, globalized structures that now shape the world. Some sectors of the public are turning to nationalist and populistic movements that turn inward and call for walking away from world commitments and focusing solely on local problems. In … Read more

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

Elections are upon us. Once again, we have few good choices, and many will be voting against and not for candidates. The ordeal threatens to become a replay of elections that have come before. The slate of candidates thus far is demoralizing since it represents nothing uplifting. No new generation of brave and noble leaders … Read more

We Must Not Ask Our Police to Do the Impossible

We are asking our police officers to do the impossible. In the present atmosphere of great decadence, they cannot keep order. We have saddled them with the task of enforcing the law while constantly undermining it through our culture. Until we address this contradiction, the police’s task will be an exercise in futility. The Wrong … Read more

Three Final Thoughts on Election Day

Election Day has arrived, and voters will decide the course of America for the next four years. Like all postmodern elections, this is again the most important election in our history. The stakes are very high. The campaigns are over, and everything has been said. The two sides are locked in battle, and everyone is … Read more

Can the Strong Gods Save Us?

The cultural devastation around us leads many to ask where we went wrong. Most realize it did not happen overnight. A long process has brought us to ruin. R. Reno’s book, Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West, is an accurate, even refreshing critique of the post-war consensus that … Read more

Why Sterile Nationalism Won’t Save Us From Globalism

Nationalism is one of those vague terms that appears when a social order is not anchored in moral certainties. The term can take on many meanings, some good, others bad because when nothing is certain, a climate of anxiety takes hold that distorts the national debate. This climate is found in today’s exhausted modernity, which … Read more

New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope

New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope - John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’

    For Immediate Release Contact: John Horvat Return to Order Phone: 717-309-7147 E-mail: jh1908@aol.com Photos available upon request New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’ YORK, Penn. (June 5, 2018) An exciting new book addressing the restoration of America’s moral compass has just … Read more