Why a Rule of Honor?

Return to Order Why a Rule of Honor? 2

By Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza The following article was taken from the keynote speech delivered by Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza on October 27 at the American TFP’s 2013 National Conference in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. The theme of the event was centered around the book, Return to Order. The book, Return to Order, tells us that … Read more

Medieval Inventions that Enriched Our Lives

Return to Order Medieval Inventions that Enriched Our Lives 2

So many of the things we take for granted had their origins not only in the Middle Ages but from the early Middle Ages. One of the most important developments was the development of protections against cold and inclement weather. Joel Mokyr reports that, “European society learned gradually to protect itself better from cold temperatures, … Read more

TFP National Conference 2013: Bringing America to Honor

Return to Order TFP National Conference 2013: Bringing America to Honor 1

On the last weekend of October, more than 200 supporters, members and friends of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) gathered for their annual national conference at the TFP headquarter in Spring Grove, Penn. The theme of conference was “Return to Order: Returning America to Honor.” John Horvat’s new … Read more

The Real Subject Matter of Economics

Return to Order How Do We Build an Organic Society? 1

Modern economics tends to reduce economic activity to formulae and equations. This is not the true subject matter of economics. Economic activities deal with human actions that are not predicable and thus cannot be reduced to the equations of an exact science. As economic historian Odd Langholm states: “The subject matter of economics is properly … Read more

When Riches are Good…

There are those who claim riches are not good. Such views are unbalanced since goods in themselves are neutral and can serve man in many ways. Saint Thomas Aquinas strikes the balance when he claims that: ‘Riches are good for as much as they serve the use of virtue; and if this measure be exceeded, … Read more

This Single Vice Throws Economy and Society Out of Balance

Return to Order This Single Vice Throws Economy and Society Out of Balance 1

Frenetic Intemperance The key to understand the economic crisis is to look for its cause. Deep inside the soul of modern man we find this cause: frenetic intemperance. This vice can be defined as a restless spirit inside certain sectors of modern economy that foments a drive within men to throw off legitimate restraints and … Read more

The Problem of Hollow Elites

Return to Order The Problem of Hollow Elites 2

There are those who normally play a leadership role in society by representing the community. Such representative characters are those leaders who perceive the ideals, principles, and qualities that are desired and admired by a community or nation, and translate them into concrete programs of life and culture. Their importance cannot be underestimated since they … Read more

Return to Order in Charleston

Return to Order Return to Order in Charleston 1

Charleston, and the book Return to Order, seem to fit together naturally. South Carolina’s premier city represents a traditional order of things that attracts people. Its splendid townhouses and restored downtown are proof that this order is not a relic of long ago but a dynamic force linked with its past that definitely has a … Read more

Big Can Also Be Beautiful

Return to Order Accomplishments of an Organic Christian Society 1

There are those who affirm that only small businesses or properties are proportional to our human condition. Our ability to know things beyond the local and the small leads us to affirm that there can also be proportion in bigness. We must, of course, reject monstrous proportions. Yet it cannot be denied that nature does … Read more

A Return to Roots in Kansas

Return to Order Summer Academy in Poland Affirms a Return to Order 1

A return to order means a return to our roots. As a native Kansan, my recent book tour in the state represented something of this return. The late September weekend visit represented a homecoming of sorts since it served to help recall examples of many of the topics discussed in the book, Return to Order. … Read more