Land Holdings in the Middle Ages

Return to Order Land Holdings in the Middle Ages 1

There is often the misconception that the medieval peasant had hardly any land upon which to make a living. Such a perception runs counter to the truth. The actual size of his holdings was rather large especially for the time. Author P. Boissonade notes that these holdings varied according to the fertility of the land. He … Read more

Seven Ways to Apply Return to Order: The Role of the Beautiful

Return to Order Seven Ways to Apply Return to Order: The Role of the Beautiful 1

The book, Return to Order, describes how economy should not only satisfy physical needs, but also spiritual needs such as our appetite for beauty. In this way, both body and soul are satisfied. In addition, society as a whole benefits and culture develops. Thus, beauty and utility are complementary qualities in an economy. When goods … Read more

Why Do We Punish Our Natural Leaders?

Return to Order Why Do We Punish Our Natural Leaders? 1

In our socialistic society, the trend is to punish those who lead and provide for society by subjecting their efforts to excessive regulation or taxes. At the same time, our egalitarian culture tends to discourage natural leaders by presenting unrepresentative characters as role models. Finally communities are decreasingly able to identify and support natural local … Read more

Campaigning for Return to Order at Penn State

Return to Order Campaigning for Return to Order at Penn State 1

By Ben Broussard. On Monday, September 9, 2013, members of TFP Student Action visited Penn State University in State College, PA to campaign for the new book Return to Order: From A Frenzied Economy to An Organic Christian Society – Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go. The campaign … Read more

How Constant Stimuli Stress People Out

Return to Order How Constant Stimuli Stress People Out 2

According to Nicolas Carr who wrote a book on the subject, too many external distractions inhibit concentration and contemplation. Thought becomes disjointed and shallow. He reports, “A series of psychological studies over the past twenty years has revealed that after spending time in a quiet rural setting, close to nature, people exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger … Read more

Taking Away Our Sense of Wonder

Return to Order The Concept of Universals 2

Josef Pieper explains how our modern world has suppressed the sense of wonder and marvelousness that should be part of our spiritual, cultural and intellectual life. He writes: “Wonder does not occur in the workaday world…and in a totalitarian world of work every form of and manner of transcendence is bound to wither, (would perish, … Read more

The Concept of Universals

Return to Order The Concept of Universals 2

The concept universals contains something very ordered and organic, without which one cannot imagine well-constructed forms of government or other forms of social organization. We should seek the universality of things and not just limit ourselves to the immediate thing at hand. If we do not form an idea of the entirety of something, of … Read more

A Book Signing in Hazleton

At a March 3 book signing in Hazleton, Penn., author John Horvat II presented his work, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go. Nearly sixty people attended the afternoon conference held at the popular Top of the 80’s restaurant/conference center. … Read more

Praise for Return to Order – Dr. Alejandro Chafuen

Return to Order Praise for Return to Order - Dr. Alejandro Chafuen 3

“An ambitious book that calls for a major shift in the attitudes of those of us who live in a fast-paced world. Horvat calls for an order that combines the virtues of tested traditions with the creative potential of the free economy: a combination of a structured order based on traditional values and the spontaneous … Read more

Pre-Launching of Return to Order Book Draws Enthusiasm

Return to Order Pre-Launching of Return to Order Book Draws Enthusiasm 1

The day after the 40th annual March for Life, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) held a special event at its Washington Bureau to introduce its new book on the economic crisis and Christian organic solutions. With standing room only, guests crowded the small auditorium for the event. The … Read more