Anita’s Return: The Fight Against Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Far From Over

Anita’s Return: The Fight Against Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Far From Over

A political myth states that once the Supreme Court has spoken, the issue is definitively settled. Especially when referring to liberal projects, these pronouncements are about as close to secular infallibility as it gets. This was the case of Roe v. Wade. For decades, liberals insisted upon calling the unsettling decision “settled law.” It could … Read more

What Happens When a Revolution Goes Too Fast

What Happens When a Revolution Goes Too Fast

After the elections, the transgender movement is in disarray. It is demoralized by the unpopularity of its cause. Some Democrats add to the chaos by rightly pinning part of the blame for the electoral loss on transgender radicalism. The ensuing interliberal clash is revealing. Liberal strategists are asking that transgender radicals tone down their rhetoric … Read more

Wake Up, Liberals! Crime IS the Real Reason Your Cities Are Dying!

Wake Up, Liberals! Crime IS the Real Reason Your Cities Are Dying!

Across the nation, “smash and grab” robberies make news. A simple search on the Internet for “smash and grab rampages” will yield articles and films depicting small groups of hammer-bearing people going into stores with expensive goods. In broad daylight and in full view of security cameras, the thieves use the hammers to smash display … Read more

Why Liberals Love Religion Without Consequences

Why Liberals Love Religion Without Consequences

We live in times of inconsequential religion. That means most people do not believe God acts in the real world. If He does act, it is considered a personal, somewhat subjective matter. Impacting major world events are believed to be outside God’s sphere of activity. Likewise, inconsequential religion holds that what we do on Earth … Read more

Overcoming Integralism With More Liberalism Misses the Mark

Overcoming Integralism With More Liberalism Misses the Mark

The world of Catholic “Integralism” must be a terrifying place to live. It represents a coercive state indirectly subordinate to the Church that restricts the freedom of its citizens. Hence, it is doomed to fail. Such might be the dire conclusions of Kevin Vallier’s All the Kingdoms of the World: On Radical Religious Alternatives to … Read more

Portland Becomes a Citizen’s Hell and an Addict’s Paradise

Portland Becomes a Citizen’s Hell and an Addict’s Paradise

In November of 2020, Oregon voters passed Measure 110, an experiment that liberals hoped would stem the drug addictions and overdoses ravaging the state, especially the city of Portland. Approved by nearly 60 percent of the voters, the measure reduced the punishment for possessing hard drugs, including fentanyl and methamphetamine, to a mere $100 fine. … Read more

Immorality Harms Everyone, Not Just Children

Immorality Harms Everyone, Not Just Children

One of the most powerful arguments against the LGBTQ+ agenda is its corruption of young children. People, especially parents, rightly object to their young children being exposed to highly sexualized Drag Queen Story Hours. Others call out city and school governing bodies for the pornographic library books polluting the innocent minds of scandalized children. Pride … Read more

Why the State of the Union Address Causes Division

Why the State of the Union Address Causes Division

For some time now, the President’s State of the Union address has become a succession of half-applauses and half-standing ovations reflecting party lines and cultural differences. The annual speech to Congress highlights division, not union. The only thing that unites the members of the august assembly is their resolve to be divided. When President Biden … Read more

Sin: The One Influence Not Allowed to Explain Our Crisis

Sin: The One Influence Not Allowed to Explain Our Crisis

As the midterms fade away, most conservatives are left feeling uneasy about the results. The pundits and media have had their day in explaining why the Republicans did so poorly. Fingers pointed everywhere with all sorts of accusations, credible and farfetched. No one is completely happy with the explanations. However, one factor weighs heavily upon … Read more