Unfriending Facebook

Facebook is a poster child of our postmodern economy. It is one of those “fun” companies that breaks all the rules, smashes traditional hierarchies and lets its employees exercise their creativity without all the restrictions of times past. And it seems to work fabulously. With interns reportedly earning as much $74,000 a year and many … Read more

Campaigning for Return to Order at Penn State

Return to Order Campaigning for Return to Order at Penn State 1

By Ben Broussard. On Monday, September 9, 2013, members of TFP Student Action visited Penn State University in State College, PA to campaign for the new book Return to Order: From A Frenzied Economy to An Organic Christian Society – Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go. The campaign … Read more

Why Are We So Uncivil?

People have long complained of the lack of civility in society today. It is not only because people are no longer taught manners. Rather, it is largely because people are not communicating face-to-face. They may be engaged in social media but the real human contact so essential to civility is missing. Robert Putnam, author of … Read more

New York Clerk Refuses Same-Sex Marriage License

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Imagine reading the following article: Jefferson Center — Joan MacIntryre and Jane Andrews have dreamed of a wedding with all the trappings. Joan has pulled out all the stops to bring it all together. Jane is taking care of the flowers. Relatives are coming in from all over. The event is planned for late October, … Read more

An Irish Return to Order

Return to Order An Irish Return to Order 1

Dublin’s Buswell Hotel seemed a fitting place to launch the book, Return to Order. The atmosphere inside the conference room that July 25, was restrained, somewhat formal yet also inviting. Buswell’s is a traditional hotel right in the city center with the Parliament building just across the street and Trinity College nearby. One could almost … Read more

Talk in Grand Rapids: “When Caesar Wants What Isn’t His”

Return to Order Talk in Grand Rapids: “When Caesar Wants What Isn’t His” 1

As part of the Fortnight for Freedom talk series for the diocese of Grand Rapids, Mich., author John Horvat delivered an evening address to a large crowd at the city’s St. Isidore’s Catholic Church. The event was co-sponsored by St. Isidore’s parish, St. Thomas the Apostle’s parish and the Acton Institute, all in Grand Rapids. … Read more

With “Return to Order” on Fifth Avenue

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We had a long discussion on how to market the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go. One thing we decided was that we couldn’t afford an expensive Madison Avenue advertising firm to get the message out … Read more

American TFP: Court’s Decisions Must Strengthen Pro-Family Resolve

Return to Order American TFP: Court’s Decisions Must Strengthen Pro-Family Resolve 1

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the June 26, 2013 Supreme Court’s decisions on same-sex “marriage”: The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) strongly decries the June 26, 2013 Supreme Court decisions on aspects of same-sex “marriage.” The … Read more

Mammy’s: The Real Cracker Barrel

Return to Order Mammy's: The Real Cracker Barrel 1

Written by Norman Fulkerson* In an ever changing world one thing seems to always remain the same, a meal at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. It is perhaps that universal sameness, both in food and décor, which always leaves me a bit disappointed. While the artifacts that hang on the walls are authentic they have … Read more

Economic Consequences of Stolen Honor

Return to Order Economic Consequences of Stolen Honor 1

Honor, as it is so well defined in the book, Return to Order, by John Horvat, conveys the idea of an “authentic esteem given to all that is excellent in a social atmosphere of respect, affection and courtesy.”[1] It is something that cannot be bought and sold and it spreads an atmosphere of tranquility that … Read more