An Amsterdam Return to Order

When you think of Holland, there are all sorts of images that come to mind; dams, canals, picturesque cities and windmills. During a Return to Order book signing event in Amsterdam, it provided a taste of Holland that lived up to the legend. The November 29 event was held at Amsterdam’s St. Agnes’ Church in a … Read more

Gooey Butter Cakes

By Michael Jordan. In the book, Return to Order, John Horvat talks about healthy regionalism in this way: “Accordingly, they come to understand that their region is made for them and they for their region. For them, the region has a wide variety of supreme delights that no other place can offer.” The following article … Read more

Return to Order Signing in Brussels

Return to Order Return to Order Signing in Brussels 1

By Michel de Keukelaere. If there is any structure that is contrary to the organic Christian society discussed in the book Return to Order, it is the highly centralized bureaucratic European Parliament. The presentation of this book was, so to speak, almost in the belly of the beast. It was an unlikely place to have … Read more

The Coming of Soulless Medicine

Return to Order The Coming of Soulless Medicine

Reasons Why Obamacare Must be Opposed from a Return to Order Perspective Of all the reasons to oppose the Affordable Care Act, popularly labeled Obamacare, one stands out: the soulless nature of the law. It is ironic that a system that claims to be so humane in its intention would be so inhuman in its … Read more

What Intercontinental Chicken Says About Our Economy

Return to Order What Intercontinental Chicken Says About Our Economy 1

One of the problems of modern economy is that it often ignores the fact that economy should be an authentic expression of the culture of a people. Lose that element and something of the heart and soul of economy is lost. When there is a close interrelationship between producers, inhabitants, and the locality, an economy … Read more

All Levels of Society Need Representative Characters

Return to Order Why Do We Punish Our Natural Leaders? 1

Excerpt from the talk, “Representative Characters:Our Hope for Reestablishing Order in Society” given by Michael Whitcraft at the 2013 TFP National Conference on October 27, 2013 Where these things are best symbolized is in people. When a person truly embodies these virtues, ideals and principles, he becomes a man-symbol who represents society’s best aspects. He … Read more

Why a Rule of Honor?

Return to Order Why a Rule of Honor? 2

By Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza The following article was taken from the keynote speech delivered by Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza on October 27 at the American TFP’s 2013 National Conference in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. The theme of the event was centered around the book, Return to Order. The book, Return to Order, tells us that … Read more

TFP National Conference 2013: Bringing America to Honor

Return to Order TFP National Conference 2013: Bringing America to Honor 1

On the last weekend of October, more than 200 supporters, members and friends of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) gathered for their annual national conference at the TFP headquarter in Spring Grove, Penn. The theme of conference was “Return to Order: Returning America to Honor.” John Horvat’s new … Read more