Three Reasons Why Johnny Can No Longer Play

Return to Order Three Reasons Why Johnny Can No Longer Play

Playing is an essential element in the development of the child. It is through role playing and intense interaction with the physical world and other children that the child comes to acquire the skills needed as an adult. But the abuse of technology is taking this activity away from children. Johnny doesn’t play anymore; he … Read more

“Bring the Rule of Law Back into Business” – Bradford Martin

Return to Order “Bring the Rule of Law Back into Business” – Bradford Martin

“Until we bring the rule of law back into business and instill expectations of strong ethical and moral behavior by business (as corporations and individuals leaders) our economy and country will suffer. I hope this book will provide a framework on how business success, profit, and benefit to society can be brought into a sustainable … Read more

How Social Bonds Drives Markets

Return to Order What Makes a Product “Local?” 2

It is commonly thought that advertising is the key to creating demand. While advertising does make known the availability of products, it is often not the reason why people buy. People tend to buy from people. Sociologist David Halpern notes that social networks are very important in driving markets: “Even in the high-tech world of … Read more

John Horvat Received as Philadelphia Society Member

Return to Order John Horvat Received as Philadelphia Society Member

Written by Gary Isbell At the annual meeting of the Philadelphia Society, John Horvat II, author of Return to Order, was received as a member of the conservative intellectual group. Held in Chicago on April 4-6, this year’s event marked the fiftieth anniversary of the society’s founding. The theme of the meeting was “The Road … Read more

What Does An Organic Neighborhood Look Like?

Return to Order The Marvelous World of Our Lady’s Flowers 3

Many people ask what an organic society would look like. They want to know how and where people would live. They want concrete examples of neighborhoods and towns that embody the organic principles that are expounded in Return to Order. They would be surprised to learn that some of these principles are still alive and … Read more

From the Mail: How Do You Prepare for the Storm?

Return to Order “Don’t Abandon the Ship in a Storm…” 2

One of the major presuppositions of the book, Return to Order, is that we are facing a crisis that will seriously affect the nation. To use the book’s opening metaphor, our situation is like that of a ship facing a threatening storm. The natural tendency is to take measures and especially stock up on supplies. … Read more

Common Core and the War on Literature

Return to Order Common Core and the War on Literature

One of the problems with the program Common Core is that it places little emphasis to the body of Western literature that has endured over the ages. Rather, it favors what it calls “informational” texts that contain neither moral judgments nor beauty. The great conservative writer Russel Kirk summarizes well why a literary tradition is … Read more

Three Reasons Why Monopolies Must Be Opposed

Return to Order Why Private Property Is Needed 2

Throughout the Middle Ages, monopolies were regarded with universal disapproval. Julius Kirshner lists three reasons: 1. By enhancing the price, monopolists sold something for more than it was worth, which was against the idea of equality underlying commutative justice.   2. Exploitation in whatever form was against the precept of charity and brotherly love. 3. … Read more

Man Does Not Live by Cars Alone

Return to Order Man Does Not Live by Cars Alone

In a mass society, we are defined not by what we are but what we have. A mass society is what Thomas Hobbes long before described as a mere sand-heap of individuals where each seeks his own interest and welfare. When the social ties are loosened, material wealth becomes the main standard of well being. … Read more

TFP Pro-life Event: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

Return to Order TFP Pro-life Event: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

Written By Preston Noell On January 23, the day after the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the Tradition, Family and Property Washington Bureau held its “traditional pro-life reception” with remarks by John Horvat on the topic of “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother: The Key to Bringing America Back to Order.” Each year, … Read more