Must Humans Toil in Warehouses of Misery?

All too often, people conform their lives to the machines they use. This adaption increased as the  Industrial Revolution helped integrate machines into daily life. This development took a further step forward when the idea of robots first appeared in the early twentieth century. There were two visions of these new assistants. One was the … Read more

Why I Use the Word Catholic to Describe the Ideal Economy

The adjective Catholic is rarely employed to describe the ideal economy we need. Many would see its use as mere window dressing to make the free market appear a bit more compassionate. Everyone knows that the business of creating wealth comes from industry and business. The accountant’s ledger is the only true measure of this … Read more

Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State

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It is paradoxical that super-progressive California would have recourse to a concept of medieval law to support its revolt against federal immigration law enforcement. It is even more bizarre that the super-secular Golden State would consider itself a kind of Church with authority higher than that of the government and declare itself a holy and … Read more

How Judges Become Tyrants

Return to Order How Judges Become Tyrants

Among the three branches of American government, there is supposed to be a system of checks and balances to curb any abuse of power. That is at least the theory. In practice, the judicial branch is now engaged in a campaign of checks without balances or precedent. Judges are becoming tyrants without restraint. It is … Read more

Death Penalty: Avoiding Ambiguity in Doctrinal Matters

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In recent developments, there has been a growing debate over the question of the death penalty. On the one side, the liberals are clamoring that taking the life of an offender is always immoral (though they don’t scruple to defend the “right” to destroy the innocent lives of the unborn). The other end of the … Read more

The Fatima Seers and Lent

The Fatima Seers

Lent, that time of the liturgical year when Holy Mother Church calls on Catholics to fast and abstain from meat in the spirit of penance and self-denial, also encourages the faithful to meditate on the dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In this penitential exercise, Our Lord Jesus Christ serves as our supreme model- … Read more

When Economics Dominates

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In the modern world, economics dominates. Everything is seen through the prism of economics. However, this is not the primary prism to see life; nor is it the most important human field. Obviously, the primary prism to see life is through the spiritual prism. [like url=]   Instead, the modern world inverts this proper order … Read more

Why We Need Order

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Here is an interesting quote from Russell Kirk that explains the importance of order: “Without order, justice can rarely be enforced, and freedom cannot be maintained.” Taken from: Russell Kirk, Enemies of the Permanent Things: Observations of Abnormity in Literature and Politics, Arlington House, New Rochelle, N.Y., 1969 p. 256.