Variety and Unity in Christmas Carols

Variety and Unity in Christmas Carols

Through Their Christmas Carols, Each People Glorify the Child Jesus in Their Own Way Christmas carols vary according to the national character, but all share the same notes appropriate to that Holy Night. The carols may be American, Brazilian, Italian, German, French, or Spanish Christmas carols. The music may vary greatly, but each manages to … Read more

Why the Movie Benedetta Is Blasphemous And Anti-Catholic

Why the Movie Benedetta Is Blasphemous And Anti-Catholic

Benedetta, an anti-Catholic and blasphemous film, will be released in the United Sates on December 3. Dutch filmmaker Paul Verhoeven claims the film is a portrayal of a historical event that supposedly happened in an Italian convent in the seventeenth century. The director, who is known for his violent and erotic films, will insert in … Read more

Reflections on Christmases Past and Future

Return to Order Reflections on Christmases Past and Future 1

It is Christmas and we all think back on Christmases past not without a bit of nostalgia for what the feast represents. We think back on Christmas trees, manger scenes and midnight Masses. We recall family dinners, marveling children and Christmas carols. Such memories fill us with joys in a brutal world ever more joyless. … Read more

Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Part 4

Return to Order Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Part 4 3

Seventh Reflection “Then he delivered Him to them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led Him forth.” (John 19:16) In former times the cross was a humiliating, painful way of executing criminals. Thus, the word “cross” meant the same as “shame,” just as the word “handcuffs” today make us think of prison, condemnation … Read more