Where Have All the Polar Bears Gone?

Where Have All the Polar Bears Gone?

Polar bears used to dominate climate debates, with their images appearing everywhere. Fake scenes of polar bears in a zoo, not the Arctic, appeared in Al Gore’s dramatic 2006 film, An Inconvenient Truth. We were told the bears were on the road to extinction. Today, we can no longer find them on posters, T-shirts, advertisements, … Read more

Why Must ‘Extreme’ Heat Waves Be Turned Into National Disasters?

Why Must ‘Extreme’ Heat Waves Be Turned Into National Disasters?

As summer progresses, the national conversation is turned toward the weather. There seems to be no end to the extreme heat waves hitting the nation. Dramatic stories of heat alerts affecting tens of millions dominate the headlines. While the media inevitably link the “extreme” heat to climate change, others sensationalize and weaponize the weather to … Read more