Four Years, $320 Million and Zero Bodies: The Mystery of the “Graves” at Canada’s Kamloops School

Four Years, $320 Million and Zero Bodies: The Mystery of the “Graves” at Canada’s Kamloops School

The alleged discovery of 215 bodies in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia sent shockwaves throughout Canada in May 2021. The alleged tragedy became a rallying cry for liberal politicians and indigenous tribe activists everywhere. Justin Trudeau’s administration immediately took a position without any facts. He took center stage by … Read more

Why Does the Left Accuse the Church in Canada of its Crimes?

Wherever the Church acts, She plays a central role in combatting modern errors. Thus, even in these secular times, the left cannot refrain from its irrational wrath against the Church. Because She exists, even in a state of crisis, the left finds ways to attack, vilify and calumniate Her. If the present problems in the … Read more