Tocqueville Teaches: How to Avoid Poverty in America

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Alexis de Tocqueville is known for his classic work, Democracy in America in which he comments on nineteenth century social life in America. However, very few are familiar with another work of his that sheds great light on what is happening in America today. That work is his Memoir on Pauperism. It could have been … Read more

The Concept of Universals

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The concept universals contains something very ordered and organic, without which one cannot imagine well-constructed forms of government or other forms of social organization. We should seek the universality of things and not just limit ourselves to the immediate thing at hand. If we do not form an idea of the entirety of something, of … Read more

A Great Sadness Over the Nation

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One of the quotes from Return to Order does much to explain the sadness and depression that has descended upon our nation. This can be seen in the number of professionals treating those afflicted with mental unhappiness and illnesses. The quote is: “As Ronald Dworkin pointed out in a 2010 paper for the Hoover Institution, … Read more

Individuality Versus Individualism

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There are those who claim individualism allows a person to develop himself. We must make a distinction between individuality and individualism. Man manifests his individuality when he fully develops his personality and talents by which he is different from others. At the same time, individuality encourages man to develop his intensely social character by participating … Read more

Return to Order at CPAC

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Written by Every year, thousands of activists from all across the country gather for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. to discuss the state of the conservative movement. On March 14-16, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) participated in the conference with a … Read more

A Book Signing in Hazleton

At a March 3 book signing in Hazleton, Penn., author John Horvat II presented his work, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go. Nearly sixty people attended the afternoon conference held at the popular Top of the 80’s restaurant/conference center. … Read more

Why Return to Order?

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Interview with John Horvat II, Author of Return to Order * John Horvat II is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, author and regular contributor to Crusade Magazine. His writings have appeared worldwide in numerous publications and websites. For more than two decades, he has been researching and writing about the socio-economic crisis inside the … Read more

Why Economic Culture Matters

Return to Order Why Economic Culture Matters

A review of Becoming Europe: Economic Decline, Culture, and How America Can Avoid a European Future by Samuel Gregg (New York: Encounter Books, 2013) * * * It is not often that one finds refreshing nuance in books dealing with economy. Economics is not supposed to be about nuance. It usually presents itself in the … Read more

Declining Fertility Rates and Robot Babies

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By Gary Isbell* With the world population growth slowing, some countries are staring at the grim prospects of the unbalanced demographics in the workforce and the dire economic consequences this will cause. As a result, some curious efforts to bolster diminishing birth rates have surfaced, not least of which is the invention and promotion of … Read more

Praise for Return to Order – Dr. Alejandro Chafuen

Return to Order Praise for Return to Order - Dr. Alejandro Chafuen 3

“An ambitious book that calls for a major shift in the attitudes of those of us who live in a fast-paced world. Horvat calls for an order that combines the virtues of tested traditions with the creative potential of the free economy: a combination of a structured order based on traditional values and the spontaneous … Read more