An Irish Return to Order

Return to Order An Irish Return to Order 1

Dublin’s Buswell Hotel seemed a fitting place to launch the book, Return to Order. The atmosphere inside the conference room that July 25, was restrained, somewhat formal yet also inviting. Buswell’s is a traditional hotel right in the city center with the Parliament building just across the street and Trinity College nearby. One could almost … Read more

Praise for Return to Order — The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt

Return to Order Praise for Return to Order — The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt 2

By calling the reader to embrace the cardinal virtues of temperance, justice, prudence and fortitude, Return to Order suggests a practical pathway to avoid the economic and spiritual crises that are looming before us and, by means of religious conversion, reestablish a right order for human flourishing. I hope that this work will receive the … Read more

Standardizing Both Products and Consumers

The simple fact is that mass standardization can only be profitable to the point that it can aggregate consumers into large blocs. Hence, global markets must impose universal standardization upon products, for if this brand of economics is to survive as an exact deductive science to interpret markets, everything must be quantified. There is no … Read more

Duke Paul of Oldenburg Endorses Return to Order

Return to Order Duke Paul of Oldenburg Endorses Return to Order 1

“Return to Order touches on matters that apply not only to America but everywhere. Modern economy is in trouble and this book zeroes in on the problem of frenetic intemperance in an original and convincing manner. Best of all, author John Horvat offers organic Catholic solutions that are both so needed and so refreshing. I … Read more

Return to Order at Berks County Meeting

Return to Order New Video: A Look at Return to Order

Written by Keith Douet   Speaking about the present economic crisis, author John Horvat II was the guest at the Berks County Tea Party meeting in Reading, Penn. on June 13. He spoke on the topic, “The Ten Steps to Prepare for America’s Economic Collapse” based on considerations from the book, Return to Order: From … Read more

Repaying a Debt to the Library

Return to Order Repaying a Debt to the Library 2

I make frequently use of the local library when working on the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go.   During the course of my research, I had to find books that had long been unpublished. These … Read more

Economic Consequences of Stolen Honor

Return to Order Economic Consequences of Stolen Honor 1

Honor, as it is so well defined in the book, Return to Order, by John Horvat, conveys the idea of an “authentic esteem given to all that is excellent in a social atmosphere of respect, affection and courtesy.”[1] It is something that cannot be bought and sold and it spreads an atmosphere of tranquility that … Read more

Come See Return to Order Discussion on EWTN, Thursday Night!

Author John Horvat II will be speaking with EWTN host Raymond Arroyo on May 9 about his book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go.  Mr. Horvat will appear on “The World Over” program at 8:00 p.m. ET. … Read more

Understanding the Marathon Bombers

There are many who seek to explain the mystery of the Boston Marathon bombers — or all our killers that are fast becoming a part of our national landscape. No doubt each of these unnatural figures has personal blame for what they did and for which they must be held accountable. We can explore the … Read more

Return to Order Signing in St. Louis

Return to Order Return to Order Signing in St. Louis

Written by At an April 21 book signing in St. Louis, Mo., author John Horvat II presented his work, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go to St. Joe’s Java coffee shop. Nearly thirty people attended the signing … Read more