What’s Really Wrong with Our Economy?

Return to Order How Money Should Be an Expression of Culture 2

The debate over what’s really wrong with our economy seems irreconcilably divided into two camps. On one side you have those who claim everything will be all right if we could just get big government out of our economy. On the other side, the Paul Krugmans of the world are shouting all the louder: get … Read more

What is Authentic Progress?

Return to Order An Organic Christian Society Is Born―it is Never Planned 3

What is authentic progress? The book, Revolution and Counter-revolution by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira gives some excellent insight as to what authentic progress is. He writes:   “In its material aspect, genuine progress consists in the rightful use of the forces of nature according to the law of God, for the service of man. … Read more

How Constant Stimuli Stress People Out

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According to Nicolas Carr who wrote a book on the subject, too many external distractions inhibit concentration and contemplation. Thought becomes disjointed and shallow. He reports, “A series of psychological studies over the past twenty years has revealed that after spending time in a quiet rural setting, close to nature, people exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger … Read more

Why Are We So Uncivil?

People have long complained of the lack of civility in society today. It is not only because people are no longer taught manners. Rather, it is largely because people are not communicating face-to-face. They may be engaged in social media but the real human contact so essential to civility is missing. Robert Putnam, author of … Read more

The Practicality of General Ideas

Return to Order How Do We Build an Organic Society? 1

Some people try to find a practical solution to problems on a purely pragmatic basis without reference to moral and intellectual ideas. Such a conception of life is in the final analysis impractical since the person must constantly be searching for solutions for each problem and thus often falls into error. It deprives a person … Read more

Forget Black Friday, Think Black September!

Return to Order A Textbook Example of Frenetic Intemperance 2

In their rush to get the jump on competitors, major retailers are already starting their holiday sales offers. While shoppers are not yet lining up at box store entrances in the summer heat, they are being actively solicited by retailers with special announcements of holiday savings. Already in late August, Toys R Us declared that … Read more

Return to Order: In the News

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Since its launching, the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society – Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go, has been in the news. Many media interviews with author John Horvat II have already appeared as more and more people become aware of the … Read more

3 Ways to Revive the Heart & Soul of the Economy

Return to Order Towards An Organic Christian Society 2

It’s Not an Exact Science; That’s Why Other Factors Must Be Considered, Says Socio-economics Scholar. The crux of the 2008 economic collapse was the abstract and unnatural repackaging and sale of subprime mortgages, which were sold on the false premise of being valued products. The world learned the hard way that these were toxic assets … Read more

What Causes Stress…

Return to Order What Causes Stress…

Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff makes the good point that today’s stressful environments are a matter of doing too many things at the same time without adequate means of communicating with others. He writes: “When the social now is relegated to the multitasking digital envirornment, we may expect the results we have been witnessing: teen suicides, … Read more

Stock Market Gambling

Commenting on the perils of the stock market in the nineteenth century, author Edward Chancellor notes how market operations presupposed inside information. In this period of great frenetic intemperance, operators like Daniel Drew in the early 1860’s learned the art of market manipulation. Not without its application to speculative schemes of our own days, Chancellor … Read more