Education Week Promotes Surprisingly Sensible School Cellphone Policies. They Can Help Parents, Too.

Education Week Promotes Surprisingly Sensible School Cellphone Policies. They Can Help Parents, Too.

Any teacher knows that cellphones interfere with education. The first rule of learning is to watch and listen to someone who knows more about the subject. The child who isn’t paying attention learns nothing. Of course, there are many ways to ignore teachers besides using cellphones. Pondering the upcoming lunch break, daydreaming, or even gazing … Read more

The Evidence Accumulates: It is Long Past Time to Eliminate Cellphone Usage in America’s Schools

The Evidence Accumulates: It is Long Past Time to Eliminate Cellphone Usage in America’s Schools

Ask many teachers to identify the biggest problem in classrooms today, and one answer comes almost immediately—cellphones. A Worldwide Issue Legitimate complaints come in from teachers nationwide. They relate instances where students contact students in different classes to set up rendezvous in the restrooms. Even when the phones are in “silent” mode, the vibrations are … Read more

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

A new expression is increasingly appearing in the education press—student disengagement. This phenomenon takes two forms. Disengaged students are either not mentally prepared to learn in class or stay away from school altogether. The School as Therapy “Disengaged behavior” is nothing new. “Skipping school” is a practice that is as old as the schools themselves. … Read more