What is Authentic Progress?

Return to Order An Organic Christian Society Is Born―it is Never Planned 3

What is authentic progress? The book, Revolution and Counter-revolution by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira gives some excellent insight as to what authentic progress is. He writes:   “In its material aspect, genuine progress consists in the rightful use of the forces of nature according to the law of God, for the service of man. … Read more

New York Clerk Refuses Same-Sex Marriage License

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Imagine reading the following article: Jefferson Center — Joan MacIntryre and Jane Andrews have dreamed of a wedding with all the trappings. Joan has pulled out all the stops to bring it all together. Jane is taking care of the flowers. Relatives are coming in from all over. The event is planned for late October, … Read more

Forget Black Friday, Think Black September!

Return to Order A Textbook Example of Frenetic Intemperance 2

In their rush to get the jump on competitors, major retailers are already starting their holiday sales offers. While shoppers are not yet lining up at box store entrances in the summer heat, they are being actively solicited by retailers with special announcements of holiday savings. Already in late August, Toys R Us declared that … Read more

The Stability of Generations

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When speaking of the traditional family, we must see it as more than just the sum of living members composed of a father, mother, and children. Throughout history, the family has always been understood to mean the unity of the whole lineage of ancestors and descendants. It was only with the Enlightenment that this universally … Read more

Tocqueville Teaches: How to Avoid Poverty in America

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Alexis de Tocqueville is known for his classic work, Democracy in America in which he comments on nineteenth century social life in America. However, very few are familiar with another work of his that sheds great light on what is happening in America today. That work is his Memoir on Pauperism. It could have been … Read more

Return to Order: West Coast Signings

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Written by TFP.org. The book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go, was the central theme of conferences in Los Angeles and Sacramento on March 9-10. The book launching coincided with regional conferences held every year by The … Read more

Return to Order: Defining What Really Matters

Return to Order A Biblical Reference for Organic Society 1

by Roark Mitzell. In that tumultuous and troubled decade of the sixties, one of the revolutionary mantras of the generation was, “Suppose they gave a war and no one came?” Such a pacifistic fantasy is the stuff of which utopian dreams are made. Such an unrealistic fantasy should remind us, as well, that when espousing … Read more

Praise for Return to Order – Dr. Alejandro Chafuen

Return to Order Praise for Return to Order - Dr. Alejandro Chafuen 3

“An ambitious book that calls for a major shift in the attitudes of those of us who live in a fast-paced world. Horvat calls for an order that combines the virtues of tested traditions with the creative potential of the free economy: a combination of a structured order based on traditional values and the spontaneous … Read more

The Rent-a-Stock Rage

Return to Order The Rent-a-Stock Rage

Bogle claims such practices may help Wall Street brokers but clearly hurt investors who would be better off to hold stocks for the long term and avoid transfer fees. Now, the tendency is to flit from one stock to another in the hope of hitting the jackpot. This “rent-a-stock” mentality can be seen in the … Read more

A Generation of Monsters

Return to Order A Generation of Monsters 1

Everyone can agree that the horrific massacre of innocent grade-school children in Newtown, Conn. was truly monstrous. It was an event that defies the imagination to conceive how someone might do something so cruel and inhuman. Worse yet, this is not an isolated incident. Similar cases are occurring with greater frequency, prompting many to ask … Read more