The Real Origins of the Industrial Revolution

Return to Order Cobbler Shop Economics 1

Historically, the Industrial Revolution is said to have started in England from 1760 to 1840. However, many historians recognize that the real origins go back much further to medieval times. The medieval spirit of technological innovation was highly developed and set in motion processes that later gave rise to the changes that are associated with … Read more

The Model Knight

Return to Order The Model Knight 1

Chivalry was born when men found an ideal which could be imitated. Thus the knight could draw inspiration from the ideal knight and seek to imitate him. It is not surprising that knights would look to the first knight as their model who was Saint Michael, the Archangel. Johan Huizinga explains that “The primordial feat … Read more

Health Care: Take Down the Spider Web, Put Up the Safety Nets

Return to Order Health Care: Take Down the Spider Web, Put Up the Safety Nets

Before entering into the Obamacare debate, I should probably mention that I am among those who suffer from a major pre-existing medical condition. It is not pretty but I have to deal with it. This condition has no cure. I know it can strike me at any time and leaves behind enormous hospital bills. There … Read more

The Family: A Social and Economic Unit

Return to Order Faith Brings Harmony to Family, Society and State 2

Many fail to realize that the family is not only an important social unit but also an economic unit of great importance. In traditional society, it was held that marriage creates a new economic entity that enriches all society. Peter Laslett writes: “For marriage, and particularly first marriage, we must repeat, was an act of … Read more

Frigid Weather, Warm Reception in Wisconsin

Return to Order Frigid Weather, Warm Reception in Wisconsin 1

The below-zero temperatures were inhospitable outside the Columbian Meeting and Conference Center in West Bend, Wis. on January 5, the feast of the Epiphany. However, the event inside was warm and lively.   Over 110 people attended the double-book signing program titled “Return to Family: Getting Your Family Fired Up About Honor, Role Models and … Read more

An Austrian Christmas Without the Box

Return to Order The Amazing Origins of the Most Beautiful Christmas Song 7

In reply to my story about artificial Christmas trees that can be delivered to your home in boxes, I received a reply from a dear friend in faraway Austria. His story reflects something of what we have lost in today’s commercialism of Christmas. He tells how he celebrated Christmas Eve with his wife and 15 … Read more

The Rush of Twitter-Down Economics

It is difficult to get a handle on what exactly is happening in our troubled economy. Everyone feels the malaise but few know how to explain it. Some say the economy is getting slightly better; others say it is getting much worse. There is debt, unemployment and stagnation which some say is caused by too … Read more

News About “Return to Order” in Holland

Written by Gary Isbel Following an early December book tour in Belgium and Holland, several Dutch publications have taken note of Return to Order. The editors of Nederlands Dagblad published an op-ed piece, “An Impending Economic Crisis,” by author John Horvat II in its December 10 edition. The Christian newspaper has about 25,000 subscribers. In … Read more

Return to Order – in a Chocolate Shop

In the words of one reader, the book, Return to Order, targets those who “grieve for the nation.” I could not have put better since it was indeed written for those who have the vision to look beyond their own self-interest and are concerned about the state of the nation. The difficult question is: Where … Read more

Wisdom: Treating People Like People

Return to Order Summer Academy in Poland Affirms a Return to Order 1

Excerpt adapted from the talk, “Wisdom: The Foundation of an Organic Christian Society” given by John Horvat II at the 2013 TFP National Conference on October 26, 2013 What I would like to do is concentrate on the basic premises that reflect the wisdom found in Christian civilization. By understanding these three things, you will … Read more