From Martyrdom to Sainthood: Compiègne’s Sixteen Carmelite Heroes

From Martyrdom to Sainthood: Compiègne’s Sixteen Carmelite Heroes

On December 18, 2024, Pope Francis announced Wednesday the “equipollent canonization” of the sixteen Martyrs of Compiègne. In so doing, Pope Francis confirmed the conclusions reached by the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints. Their feast will be observed on July 17, the anniversary of their martyrdom. The official announcement cited the Pope’s wishes … Read more

Why Are the Crown Jewel Carmelite Convents Failing?

Why Are the Crown Jewel Carmelite Convents Failing?

Among the religious orders dedicated to the contemplative life, the Carmelites have a special role. Carmelite convents are found all over the world. They have given the Church countless saints and models. Many Carmelite convents are now in crisis because they have no vocations. The nuns are dying off. Convent after convent is closing. Each … Read more