We will announce the winner on October 31, and email the results to him or her. The winner’s name will be posted. So please check your email.
As you may know, for years I studied the Middle Ages in order to write my book Return to Order, which I offer you as a free gift:
As modern society sinks further into depravity and chaos, we turn to the Medieval Christendom to learn what a truly Christian society is. While the Middle Ages had its faults, like every human epoch, Pope Leo XIII states in his encyclical Immortale Dei, that the Middle Ages was an era in which the philosophy of the Gospel governed the states and produced results superior to all expectations.
As globalism comes under increasing attack, the right attitude toward the local nation and the global world is hard to find. Too much attachment to a local place can lead to narrow and distorted perspectives that can stifle development. Too little loyalty to a nation in favor of vague global links can cause selfish individualism that ignores the interests of the common good. The constant tension between the local and global, the individual and communal has always plagued modern history.
The real balance was granted to humanity as a gift of God through the Church during the Middles Ages.
A universal vision was supplied by the theocentric, Church-centered and sacral character of the medieval social order. The generalized practice of the cardinal virtue of temperance provided balance and commonsense. Temperance favored the development of a strong love for country and everything local while simultaneously fostering a parallel love for universal values represented by Christendom.
Thus, medieval man built a social, political and international structure similar to that of a Gothic cathedral. The virtues were like the strong and opposing columns that united and balanced one another as they met at the junction of the Gothic arch. This balance is what America needs today.
I hope that you and I share the same love for the Middle Ages, and that is why I offer you a free copy of my book, which you can get here:
Also, please familiarize yourself with the raffle rules and regulations, which are found below.
I remain,
John Horvat II
Return to Order
Rules and Regulations for Crusader Helmet Raffle
By signing up for the Crusader Helmet raffle, the user allows Return to Order to send email reports to the email provided, and is automatically subscribed to the Return to Order newsletter; the user may unsubscribe at any time. One winner will be announced for the raffle each month. Limit one entry per person. Items will only ship in the 50 United States. Full-sized, 18 gauge steel Crusader helmet with stand may not look exactly as pictured. Items will be shipped after a minimum of four weeks; the address of the winner will be requested by email after his name is drawn; another drawing for a new name will result if the winner provides an address outside the United States, fails to provide a working email address, or fails to respond to requests for an address within a week. We are not responsible for any damages for helmet or stand in/after shipment, nor for misshipment of the items, nor for any damage or injury resulting from use of the items, nor for users dissatisfaction with the items. No purchase necessary. Items cannot be returned or exchanged to Return to Order for other goods. Raffle will officially close on October 31, 2020 at 6:00 PM, EST; all names entered after such date will be excluded from the drawing. Matters concerning the drawing, eligibility entries, and announcing of the winner are at the sole discretion of Return to Order.
Last updated: 10/01/20
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