The Super Bowl LVII aired a scandalous half-time performance given by singer Rihanna. The show included the performer touching herself in a lewd manner, while in an immorally suggestive outfit…all on live television, when families are watching the game!
I cannot even give the details of this lewd and scandalous performance. What I can tell you is:
- Performer Rihanna was dressed in a suit that scandalously accentuated the upper part of her body, while wearing an open “jumpsuit” that gave the impression of exposing herself.
- She was seen touching parts of her body in lewd and suggestive ways on live TV
- One of her songs was titled “B**** Better Have My Money.”
- Another titled “Rude Boys” implied sexual activity, and was accompanied with the performer suggestively touching her posterior.
This is positively disgusting. A singer like Rihanna should never have been invited to an event aired to thousands of families across the country. That’s because she is notorious for so much bad behavior. This activity includes:
- Appearing scantily clad in public, and nude in magazines and social media
- Mocking the Catholic Church with a scandalous costume, wearing a mock bishop’s miter
- Releasing a video that was so scandalous and explicit, that it was banned in at least 11 countries
- Music that is sexually explicit, and glorifies rape culture
- Openly practicing and advocating drug use
- Supporting football players who unpatriotically knelt for the National Anthem
Please sign our petition, telling the FCC to stop allowing such performances on live television in the future.