Protest Against Walmart’s Promotion of Homosexual Sin


  Walmart is going all out in its promotion of “Pride Month,” complete with a whole line of children’s products. On Memorial Day weekend 2024, Walmart released a video ad on its Instagram page featuring homosexual and cross-dressing “couples” talking about their favorite “pride” products at Walmart.  To back this up, Walmart’s online store features … Read more

Protest Against Targets Homosexual and “Transgender” Products —

In early May, 2024, Target announced that it will be selling “pride” (i.e. pro-homosexual) merchandise in select stores. But, Target is acting cautiously to avoid the boycotts and protests that happened last year. According to reports: “Target is cutting back on the number of its stores that will car[r]y Pride Month-related merchandise in June, a … Read more

Protest Against Pro-Abort Governor at Catholic School —


St. John’s Preparatory School, an elite, all-boys Catholic institution in Massachusetts, gave an official tour a pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politician. To make matters worse, the school gave a write-up of the event which praised the visit. Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts, a self-professed “Catholic” and open homosexual, toured and spoke to student groups at the … Read more

Urge Michigan Commissioners to Stop Satanic Invocation —


A Satanist is scheduled to give an invocation to open a board meeting in Michigan. Members of The Satanic Temple (TST) of West Michigan applied to give an invocation to Ottawa County board meeting, and received the “green light” to do so at the opening of the board meeting of April, 23. According to reports: … Read more

Urge Biden to Apologize for Honoring Vice Instead of Christ


On March 29, 2024, the Biden White House chose to celebrate “Transgender Day of Visibility,” setting it on the same day as Easter Sunday. The White House made a loud and clear statement of choosing to celebrate unnatural vice, which is a practical rejection of Christ, who redeemed the world from the slavery of sin. … Read more

Urge DeSantis Not to Cave to the Rainbow Mob! Sign Petition!


In 2022, the State of Florida passed good legislation (Parental Rights in Education Act), which prevented teachers from indoctrinating students with pro-homosexual material, forbidding instruction on such topics. However, the State reached an agreement with plaintiffs who sued Florida over the law. While the State of Florida has claimed victory, nevertheless, the settlement spelled out … Read more

Tell Indiana Mayor to Restore Good Friday to Calendar —


The City of Bloomington, Indiana has changed “Good Friday” to “Spring Holiday.” This is political correctness at its worst, and a separation of America from her Christian identity. Please sign our petition to remind the Mayor of Bloomington that we are a nation under God, and to restore our county’s Christian heritage.

Protest Sacrilegious Funeral at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral


A sacrilegious funeral service was held for a man who was an open homosexual, a cross-dresser, pro-LGBT activist and avowed atheist inside of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, in New York City on February 15. Cross-dressed attendees filled the cathedral with obscenities and blasphemies. In fact, the sacrilegious “service” looked like a Drag Queen Show. It was … Read more

Protest Super Bowl “Prayer Candles”


Mixed Bag MKE, a company in Wisconsin, is throwing a “Swiftie Super Bowl Eve Party” (named after singer Taylor Swift), and is promoting “devotional prayer” candles, where the faces of Christ and the Virgin Mary are replaced by celebrities. In fact, the company has a slew of these blasphemous “devotional candles.” These include depictions of … Read more