Dignitas Infinita, a Confusing and Naturalistic Declaration

Dignitas Infinita, a Confusing and Naturalistic Declaration

After the widespread negative repercussions about Fiducia supplicans, with entire episcopates refusing to bless “homosexual couples” and “irregular couples,”1 the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has published a new document, also with the pope’s approval: “Dignitas Infinita,” the Declaration on Human Dignity (which we will refer to as DI).2 A Traditional Document? Unlike … Read more

Our Lady of the Militia: How Sicily was Saved From Invasion

Our Lady of the Militia: How Sicily was Saved From Invasion

Most Catholics are not aware of the story of how Our Lady repelled a Muslim invasion of Sicily on horseback and in armor. Perhaps this miraculous deliverance from ruin is unknown because it is so contrary to today’s spirit of rampant ecumenism. Back in 1091, Sicily was under the sway of the Normans, a warlike … Read more

Addressing the Interrupted Class of 2024

Addressing the Interrupted Class of 2024

One thing that characterizes the Class of 2024 is that it has suffered from continual interruptions. Big interruptions, small interruptions, cultural interruptions, and i-interruptions seemed to conspire to deprive this class of the constancy that others enjoyed. Several such interruptions come to mind. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic … Read more

The Old, Gray, Catholic Left Isn’t What it Used to Be and Faces a Desolate Future

The Old, Gray, Catholic Left Isn’t What it Used to Be and Faces a Desolate Future

Leftist and progressive forces always present themselves as the wave of the future. Indeed, Marxism’s Hegelian roots postulate history as a process of clashing classes inevitably evolving forward. The Catholic left likewise frames its liberation theology and similar programs in these terms. Marxist theory is very clear about the forward pace of history. However, it … Read more