The Problem Is the Banana on the Wall

The Problem Is the Banana on the Wall

Everyone has an explanation for the turn of events in November. It’s the economy, the culture, a failure to connect with working-class Americans. All these are valid reasons. However, I have my own explanation that sheds some light on what has gone wrong in America. It explains something of the craziness of our times. Order … Read more

How the New Administration Can Overcome the Tyranny of Regulations Strangling America

How the New Administration Can Overcome the Tyranny of Regulations Strangling America

One way the liberal agenda progresses is through the tyranny of regulations. Congress often enacts laws that have disastrous and even unintended consequences on business, education and society. These laws can generate regulations that liberal administrators interpret in manners Congress never envisioned. When citizens or firms challenge these rules and regulations, their efforts can become … Read more

Despite Soaring Rhetoric and Promises, American Voters Reject Socialism’s Failures

Despite Soaring Rhetoric and Promises, American Voters Reject Socialism’s Failures

Perhaps one of the best-turned phrases of recent memory comes from a 2019 Wall Street Journal article. In it, political scholar Joshua Muravchik opined that “Socialism has failed everywhere it’s been tried—even where it succeeded.” Since about 1900, the United States has flirted with socialism. Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama … Read more

The Emotional Aftershock: How the Left Reacted to Trump’s Election

The Emotional Aftershock How the Left Reacted to Trump’s Election

In the wake of the 2024 election, many leftists are so distraught that they anticipate leaving the country. Never at a loss for a catchphrase, some in the media call it the “Great Trump Diaspora.” Capitalizing on the demand for leaving, International Living (IL), without mentioning Mr. Trump, sent a promotional offer to the readers … Read more

Is It Possible to Live in a House Without Air Conditioning?

Is It Possible to Live in a House Without Air Conditioning?

Architects and homeowners have long assumed that the only way to keep houses cool and comfortable is to equip them with central air conditioning. However, as electric rates increase, many homeowners are looking for alternatives, especially in very hot climate zones. Some have resorted to so-called passive homes that rely upon massive amounts of insulation, … Read more

Why Does the Left Want to Scrap the Constitution?

Why Does the Left Want to Scrap the Constitution?

For years, reforming the Constitution has been a misguided conservative issue. Downplaying the danger of a runaway convention, impatient conservatives have campaigned to ask the states to call a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) to consider reforms and amendments that might address their many legitimate concerns. Now, liberals are appearing on the reform horizon, calling for major … Read more

Literal Pro-Abortion Clowns and Antifa Clash with Pro-Life Men’s March in Boston

Boston has a reputation for being an extremely liberal city. Thus, any time conservative activists proclaim moral values in the city’s public squares, everyone notices, especially the liberals. The outcome was no different when the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined the nearly 500 men who participated in the … Read more

2024 Election: It Was Not the Economy but Something Far More Profound

2024 Election: It Was Not the Economy but Something Far More Profound

The dust has settled on the November election, making it easier to see what happened. Not everyone realizes just how much the elections changed the American political scene. The Democrats will try to minimize the damage with blame sessions, soul-searching and finger-pointing as they look for scapegoats. However, the loss cannot be reduced to persons … Read more

Breaking Ground: West Coast Prosecutors Face Unprecedented 2024 Defeats!

Breaking Ground: West Coast Prosecutors Face Unprecedented 2024 Defeats!

The closing days of the 2024 election focused on the titanic battle for the presidency. However, a set of developments, primarily on the West Coast, may be nearly as important. I am referring to elections for District Attorney in Los Angeles and Alameda Counties in California and Multnomah County, Oregon. In each, a “progressive prosecutor” … Read more