States Beginning to Push Back Against Porn Lobby

States Beginning to Push Back Against Porn Lobby

Amid the battle against abortion and the LGBTQ agenda, the issue of pornography—particularly that accessible to children—is perhaps less prominently discussed. However, the liberal movement has not forgotten this element of the all-pervasive attack on marriage and the family. Ensuring ready access to pornography remains a clear objective in the wide range of weapons designed … Read more

Howls From Leftists Prove Drag Queen Story Hour Protests Work

Howls From Leftists Prove Drag Queen Story Hour Protests Work

Many people say that protests don’t work or even draw attention to that which offends. Such attempts to discourage reactions can best be answered by showing the leftists’ reactions and concrete results. A case in point is the horrific Drag Queen Story Hours that invaded American libraries over the last few years. Concerned parents and … Read more

How Libraries Came to Be Sanctuaries for Sin

How Libraries Came to Be Sanctuaries for Sin

Once a staid and neutral space inside the community, the library has become the latest battlefield in the Culture War. On one side, concerned parents are horrified by the pro-LGBTQ children’s books found on library shelves. Conversely, rabid liberals denounce the “bannings” of these often pornographic books as violating reader rights. The clash between the … Read more

Can Non-Catholics Be Martyrs and Doctors of the Church? Pope Francis Thinks So

Can Non-Catholics Be Martyrs and Doctors of the Church? Pope Francis Thinks So

In February 2015, the world was stunned by a video released by ISIS, the Islamist terrorist movement, showing the beheading of twenty-one Christians who preferred death rather than submitting to Islam. They were kidnapped Coptic Orthodox Christians and were slaughtered in Libya. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian … Read more

Dutch Euthanasia Laws Now Extend to Children Under 12

The Netherlands is leading the way in a program of cultural suicide, with legislators approving euthanasia for children under 12. In an announcement made on April 14, Dutch Health Minister Ernst Kuipers wrote that the measures would be aimed at “incurably ill children who are suffering hopelessly and unbearably, in whom palliative care options are … Read more

To the Overwhelmed Class of 2023: Don’t Be Underwhelming

To the Overwhelmed Class of 2023: Don’t Be Underwhelming

Graduates are usually encouraged to embrace an optimistic future based on obvious economic or cultural signs that make this possible. However, the Class of 2023 does not have the luxury of this bright future. Too many major obstacles bar the way for these members of Generation Z. If there was an expression to characterize this … Read more

Dealing With the Madmen on the Debt Ceiling

Dealing With the Madmen on the Debt Ceiling

The debt ceiling debate is hurling the nation toward a potential fiscal disaster. After June 1, the government risks not having enough money to meet debt and operating expenses. A default will undermine the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency and what is left of the world order. The media are turning the debate … Read more