Synodal “Church Reform” Truly Means Democratic Upheaval in the Church

Synodal “Church Reform” Truly Means Democratic Upheaval in the Church

Pope Francis has convoked a “Synod on Synodality,” which will convene in Rome this coming October. Many faithful Catholics have expressed concern as the Synod’s promoters have proposed severe and potentially destructive changes to the Church’s structure. Synod leaders have repeatedly expressed their desire to discuss “church reform.” The following article, taken from the recently … Read more

Things Are So Bad in Cuba that It Must Even Import Sugar to Survive

Things Are So Bad in Cuba that It Must Even Import Sugar to Survive

When the Soviet Union dissolved the day after Christmas 1991, it inaugurated a season of celebration in Miami’s many Cuban neighborhoods. Long-time exiles pulled yellowing deeds and other legal documents out of bank safety deposit boxes, preparing to return to Cuba and reclaim land, homes and businesses confiscated by Castro’s socialist experiment. There was no … Read more

Confessions of a Radically Excluded Catholic

Confessions of a Radically Excluded Catholic

One thing that characterizes the coming Synod of Synodality is its emphasis on listening to other voices. All voices. Catholics are told that “the spirit” speaks through all who are marginalized and excluded. Thus, listening to the widest variety of voices is necessary. In becoming a listening church, the “people of God” can “walk together” … Read more

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

When little Johnny goes to school this fall, he may face another danger. The poor boy already has trouble reading and writing. He suffers from losing social skills and faces an assault upon his innocence through the destructive influence of horrible books and drag queens. It is increasingly common that the boy will no longer … Read more

Finding Light in a Walmart

Finding Light in a Walmart

There is a lot of talk in the news these days about mental health and with good reason. In 2004, a Gallup poll recorded that 13 percent of adults had visited a therapist or mental health professional. In 2022, that number mushroomed to 23 percent. Many say the increased demand for services began shortly after … Read more