With “Return to Order” on Fifth Avenue

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We had a long discussion on how to market the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go. One thing we decided was that we couldn’t afford an expensive Madison Avenue advertising firm to get the message out … Read more

“Return to Order” in the Pacific Northwest

Return to Order “Return to Order" in the Pacific Northwest 3

Written by Kevin Ritchie While young volunteers spread the idea of an organic Christian society on the streets of New York and other major cities, I was on the other side of the country in Portland Oregon. There I had the opportunity to promote the groundbreaking new book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy … Read more

American TFP: Court’s Decisions Must Strengthen Pro-Family Resolve

Return to Order American TFP: Court’s Decisions Must Strengthen Pro-Family Resolve 1

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the June 26, 2013 Supreme Court’s decisions on same-sex “marriage”: The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) strongly decries the June 26, 2013 Supreme Court decisions on aspects of same-sex “marriage.” The … Read more

Finding Hope Amid the Hops

A review of The Audacity of Hops: The History of America’s Craft Beer Revolution by Tom Acitelli (Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2013) * * * In the world of mass standardization, the American beer industry stands out. Its gigantic breweries have dominated market share and undiscerning palates for decades. In 1975, some 50 of these … Read more

Keeping Small Government Small

Return to Order Keeping Small Government Small 3

The battles that conservatives have waged in the Cultural War are grueling. We have to dispute every step of the way especially with a liberal political establishment and a vast socialistic bureaucracy. We also have to regenerate social institutions like family, community and faith against a hostile culture. There are no instant solutions in this … Read more

Duke Paul of Oldenburg Endorses Return to Order

Return to Order Duke Paul of Oldenburg Endorses Return to Order 1

“Return to Order touches on matters that apply not only to America but everywhere. Modern economy is in trouble and this book zeroes in on the problem of frenetic intemperance in an original and convincing manner. Best of all, author John Horvat offers organic Catholic solutions that are both so needed and so refreshing. I … Read more

Return to Order at the Gun Show

Return to Order Return to Order at the Gun Show 2

Written by Francis Slobodnik About the last thing most people would expect among the thousand vender tables at the Kansas City Gun Show was a table with the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go. However, the … Read more

Return to Order at Berks County Meeting

Return to Order New Video: A Look at Return to Order

Written by Keith Douet   Speaking about the present economic crisis, author John Horvat II was the guest at the Berks County Tea Party meeting in Reading, Penn. on June 13. He spoke on the topic, “The Ten Steps to Prepare for America’s Economic Collapse” based on considerations from the book, Return to Order: From … Read more

Return to Order Hits the Streets

Return to Order Return to Order Hits the Streets 2

By Gary Isbell The concept of organic Christian society is now being found in a most unlikely place – the frenzied centers of business and industry. Young volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) are out on the streets of Chicago and New York. Their efforts are part … Read more

Mammy’s: The Real Cracker Barrel

Return to Order Mammy's: The Real Cracker Barrel 1

Written by Norman Fulkerson* In an ever changing world one thing seems to always remain the same, a meal at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. It is perhaps that universal sameness, both in food and décor, which always leaves me a bit disappointed. While the artifacts that hang on the walls are authentic they have … Read more