Economics Must Go Beyond Numbers and Formulas

Return to Order Taking Away Our Sense of Wonder 2

While the science of economics basically deals with material matters, the modern mistake is to reduce it only to these matters through formulas and statistics. Actually, economic thought must deal with all aspects of material resources and goods and especially the underlying ideas that regulate their acquisition, consumption, supply and distribution. Is Technology Ruining Your … Read more

Much Ado About the Common Core

Return to Order Common Core and the War on Literature

A review of The Story Killers: A Common-Sense Case Against the Common Core by Terrence O. Moore (2013) and What Is Common Core? by Darcy Patterson (Mims House, Little Rock, 2013). The latest big government education scheme is called the Common Core. And like all intrusive programs, it is embroiled in controversy. If there is … Read more

Shirley at the Plate

Return to Order Shirley at the Plate

As we entered the parking shuttle at Los Angeles International Airport, my two colleagues and I politely greeted the driver, a cheerful, grandmotherly black lady. We were the only ones on the shuttle, and as we sat down, it seemed like a good opportunity to engage in a bit of light conversation. Her name was … Read more

Fostering an Organic Society: The Existence of Natural Laws

Return to Order Fostering an Organic Society:  The Value of Every Person 2

Excerpt adapted from the talk, “Fostering an Organic Society: Principles and Examples” given by James Bascom at the 2013 TFP National Conference on October 27, 2013 The second principle of organic society is the existence of natural laws. Is Technology Ruining Your Life? Take A Quick Quiz To Find Out By Clicking Here. God, who … Read more

Three Reasons Why Johnny Can No Longer Play

Return to Order Three Reasons Why Johnny Can No Longer Play

Playing is an essential element in the development of the child. It is through role playing and intense interaction with the physical world and other children that the child comes to acquire the skills needed as an adult. But the abuse of technology is taking this activity away from children. Johnny doesn’t play anymore; he … Read more

“We Need a Blueprint to Follow” – Carol Covato

Return to Order | Endorsements 5

“I am looking forward to reading this book because the answer to how we can get out of the mess we have made of this society has to be out there somewhere and this book looks like the answers are in these pages. I’ve always known it will take Christians to return our world back … Read more

Can Technology Completely Replace Humans?

Return to Order Declining Fertility Rates and Robot Babies 3

With computers, robots and other digital technologies acquiring basic tasks and even more advanced skills at an extraordinary rate, what is the future of the labor market? For more than a century, automation has increasingly replaced a portion of the labor market as technology advances with robotic automation performing more and more blue-collar jobs. The … Read more

Return to Order Celebrates 20,000 Milestone

Return to Order “Culture of Unrestraint”:  The Real Cause of Economic Crisis 1

CHANDLER, AZ (April 2014) – Author John Horvat II reached another exciting milestone with 20,000 copies of his first indie-published book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go, now in the hands of eager readers. “There are books … Read more

Second Tip for Putting Technology in Its Place and Regaining Control of Your Life

Return to Order Second Tip for Putting Technology in Its Place and Regaining Control of Your Life 2

2. The shoe box solution: Share old items and keepsakes with family members, especially with your children. These are things handed down from your ancestors, clippings from historic events that shaped their lives or even such things as a baptismal certificate or your parent’s wedding photos. Scrap booking is very popular because it offers meaningful … Read more