When Cell Phone Conversations Go Public

Return to Order The Paradox of Being Alone Together

During recent travels, a colleague and I pulled into a gas station to get fuel and stretch our legs. It was a gas station like so many thousands across the country without anything extraordinary about it. However, as we returned to the car, we noticed a middle-aged woman speaking on what appeared to be an … Read more

A True (and Refreshing) Definition of Law

Return to Order Where Did Lawyers Come From?

It is no secret that the present system of law is in crisis. The judiciary legislates from the bench. The executive branch disregards laws it does not wish to enforce. The legislative branch enacts massive laws with accompanying regulations. Above all, there is no standard against which to measure law or insure accountability. Law becomes … Read more

The Model of Life Proposed by Advertising

Return to Order The Model of Life Proposed by Advertising

The modern world was founded on the myth of maximum production and consumption. It installs technology as a means to ensure collective survival, allow more efficient control of life and provide solutions to all problems. Through the use of advertising, it proposes a utopia which is actually unattainable in this vale of tears. Nevertheless, sociologist … Read more

“My Kind of Book” – Jason Carroll

Return to Order “Culture of Unrestraint”:  The Real Cause of Economic Crisis 1

“This is my kind of book! I’m really into hearing and learning more about our broken economy. I enjoy finding out about the hidden truths and outright lies we are expected to believe. The fact that 20 years of research was done is frosting on the cake!” – Jason Carroll Is Technology Ruining Your Life? … Read more

Imagine – A Restaurant With no Servers or Served

Return to Order Imagine - A Restaurant With no Servers or Served 2

By Gary J. Isbell Chili’s, the national Mexican restaurant chain, has announced that it will be installing 45,000 tablet-style ordering stations nationwide. This gives patrons the ability, so to speak, to order online while seated and not have to interact with waiters. Why the change, one might ask? According to Chili’s, patrons feel as though … Read more

Return to Order and Big Government

Return to Order My Non-Employment Nightmare

Please take a moment to read the article, “The Big Idea Behind Cantor’s Fall” by conservative columnist Robert Knight. The article appears in The Washington Times of June 13th. It deals with the role of bigness in government and cites the book Return to Order and the concept of “frenetic intemperance,” which is developed in … Read more

The Church Has Always Supported Prosperity

Return to Order When Charity was Administered by the Church Not the State 1

There is the prevailing myth that the Church is opposed to prosperity and that poverty is considered an ideal to be sought after. Such a perspective ignores the reality of Church history which shows that the Church encouraged a healthy and balanced economy based on virtue and the need for profit. In this respect, historian … Read more

When Constitutions Were Not Written

Return to Order How Do We Build an Organic Society? 1

Written constitutions are relatively modern inventions. In fact, the American Constitution was one of the first to be put in print. Prior to that time, historians explain, all law was considered sacred and untouchable. Indeed most eighteenth-century Americans before the Revolution would have understood the term constitution to be the sum of a nation’s common … Read more