The America Where Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Banned

The America Where Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Banned

Most people don’t realize it, but same-sex “marriage” is banned in some areas of the country. It is not allowed because the residents are against it. They claim it is contrary to their culture. It seems strange that the criteria that apply to this one group of American citizens are invalid for others. Unlike the … Read more

Oregon’s Compassionate Education Standards Sentence Students to a Lifetime of Ignorance and Despair

Oregon’s Compassionate Education Standards Sentence Students to a Lifetime of Ignorance and Despair

According to the Oregon Board of Education, the ability to read, write or calculate is not necessary to receive a high school diploma—at least until 2029, according to The Oregonian. The State Board of Education decision was unanimous. Critical Analysis Run Amok The Board’s reasoning is straight out of the critical theory playbook. “[L]eaders at … Read more

The Evidence is Clear—Cellphones and Learning Do Not Mix

The Evidence is Clear – Cellphones and Learning Do Not Mix

Distraction has always been a teacher’s biggest problem. After all, lessons can only take root if students are paying attention. Distractions are inevitable. No teacher, no matter how skilled, can filter them all out. Kids bring their distractions to school with them. A sick parent, a lost dog, lack of breakfast, an argument on the … Read more

Pope Francis, the War and the Holy Places

Pope Francis, the War and the Holy Places

There was great anticipation over the synod that opened at the Vatican on 4 October 2023, but three days later, on 7 October, international attention shifted to the Middle East, bloodied all at once by the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas. This event, preceded by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, has … Read more