Even if Schools Deny It, Children (and Adults) Need to Learn to Write in Cursive

Even if Schools Deny It, Children (and Adults) Need to Learn to Write in Cursive

In too many schools, teaching handwriting—especially cursive—is extinct. Over the last half-century, America’s public, private, religious and charter schools became obsessed with “critical thinking.” As that obsession grew, mechanical processes were discarded. Emphasizing grammar, the doctrine taught, inhibited children from expressing their thoughts. Teaching historical facts repressed students’ creative opinions about past events. Memorizing mathematical … Read more

How Handel’s Messiah Helps Us Fight the “Cult of Ugliness”

How Handel’s Messiah Helps Us Fight the “Cult of Ugliness”

Today’s modern culture presents so many things that are as ugly as sin, whether it be architecture, dress, music, culture, morals or other fields. This “cult of ugliness” targets God directly, who is beauty itself.   Everything beautiful in the world reflects an aspect of God, and everything ugly displays an aspect of the devil. … Read more

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

What Happens When Celebrity Leftists Turn Right

The left faces a new challenge that is leaving its activists troubled. Over the past few years, many high-profile leftist figures, writers and politicians have turned right. They defected to the other side, and embarrassed leftists don’t know what to do about it. In an op-ed in The New York Times, columnist Michelle Goldberg asks … Read more

Why Must They Put Warnings on Each Cigarette?

Why Must They Put Warnings on Each Cigarette?

Sometimes small items represent things with bigger meanings. Hidden behind appearances are philosophies of life that it does well to analyze. Such is the case of a recent news article on smoking. Canada announced last May that it would become the world’s first nation to require health warnings to be printed—on each individual cigarette. Order … Read more

How Wall Street Betrays Itself and America in China

How Wall Street Betrays Itself and America in China

Wall Street runs its financial operations using time-honored processes based on data and statistics. Such data is needed to ensure investor interests are not jeopardized. The standards are rigid and necessary in a dog-eat-dog world where people take advantage of others. Generally, there are no exceptions to such procedures. The government and Wall Street insist … Read more

Can’t We Phase Out Climate Change Instead?

Can’t We Phase Out Climate Change Instead?

At the COP28 climate summit in Dubai this December, the climate change world was waiting with bated breath for a final document that would declare war on fossil fuels. The 70,000 delegates at the United Nations-sponsored event in the oil-rich nation of the United Arab Emirates hoped for a radical turning point where countries might … Read more