Why Does Baby Olivia Terrify the Pro-Abortion Left?

Why Does Baby Olivia Terrify the Pro-Abortion Left?

It is always tragic to see the leftists when they are forced to confront a position other than their own. They have managed to establish monopolies inside academia, the federal government bureaucracy, the news media, many professions and far too many religious and charitable institutions. Thus, leftists tend to be dismissive of those who challenge … Read more

El Cid, the Lonely Crusader

El Cid, the Lonely Crusader

The Reconquest of Spain from the Muslim occupation suffered several setbacks and reversals. But in the darkest hours, a selfless hero always arose to stem an impending onslaught. Such a danger threatened the Spanish Christians late in the eleventh century when a fanatical horde of North African Berbers invaded the peninsula. An overwhelming disaster was … Read more

Are We Not Witnessing the Second Deicide?

Are We Not Witnessing the Second Deicide?

Looking at the current crisis of the Faith, we can say that we are witnessing the crucifixion of the Holy Catholic Church. We are seeing a crime comparable to the deicide because the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. Killing the Church is like killing Christ. The only reason she does not die now … Read more

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

It was March of 1585. After three exhausting years spent traveling halfway around the world, Julian and his friends, all Japanese converts to the Catholic Faith, looked out on Rome. They were probably the first Japanese to gaze on the Eternal City, which seemed like something out of a dream. As they arrived, a large … Read more