On the Need for Economic Imagination

On the Need for Economic Imagination

Modern man suffers from an acute lack of economic imagination. The tendency is to think only in terms of the free market and the State as the economic engines that keep society going. Thus, libertarians have long favored the free market as the principal solution to modern woes. Socialists consider the State to be the … Read more

Why More and More People are Making the Pilgrimage to Santiago

Why More and More People are Making the Pilgrimage to Santiago

As one of the many pilgrims on the Road to Santiago last year, I was overjoyed to hear that the number of those going on this world-famous pilgrimage reached a new record in 2023. The trek to the burial place of Saint James the Apostle in Compostella, Spain, is one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in … Read more

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Amid the worst crisis in the Church’s history, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published the December 18 Declaration Fiducia Supplicans (FS), authorizing priests to bless adulterous and homosexual relationships. There followed a Clarification confirming what the declaration said. Both statements favor adulterous couples and homosexual pairs at a time when civil laws … Read more

Time to Get Rid of the Chevron Ruling that Is Suffocating Industry

Time to Get Rid of the Chevron Ruling that Is Suffocating Industry

The burden of overregulation weighs heavily upon American industry. It saddles the business world with burdens that stifle initiative and diminish profits. One Supreme Court decision that reinforces and codifies this government regulation is Chevron U.S.A. v. National Resources Defense Council. The 1984 ruling over a Clean Air Act regulation held that when confronted with … Read more

China’s Military Shakeup Reveals Weakness in Combat Readiness

China’s Military Shakeup Reveals Weakness in Combat Readiness

Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s purge of those not fully aligned with his ever-evolving party line has led to unexplained and sudden changes in senior military personnel, including the removal of the Defense Minister and the expulsion of nine high-ranking People’s Liberation Army officers (PLA) from the national legislature, as well as dropping three top defense-industry … Read more

The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

“Education is the path to a better future.” This statement is widely—almost universally—accepted throughout the world. No sane person disagrees with it. Many might argue about the various components of that education, some arguing for the liberal arts and others placing greater emphasis on more practical pursuits. Others might debate the best environment for education. … Read more

Why Are We Defending a Decadent West?

Why Are We Defending a Decadent West?

A clash of monumental proportions seems likely as the post-war liberal order breaks down. This could happen if the present flashpoints in Ukraine, Israel, North Korea, and Taiwan expand and involve the major powers and their spheres of influence. Thus, many analysts rightly frame America’s involvement in today’s conflicts as a defense of the West. … Read more

The 2024 March for Life: Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

The 2024 March for Life: Why The Pro-Life Movement Cannot and Will Not Surrender

Hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans gathered in the nation’s capital on January 19, 2024, for the annual March for Life, marking 51 years since the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision legalized procured abortion in America. Members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) participated in the event, encouraging and … Read more