Protests Work! Satancon Canceled for 2024

Protests Work! Satancon Canceled for 2024

When the Satanic Temple announced it would hold “history’s largest conference of satanists” in Boston on April 28-30, 2023, many thought it useless to protest. The high-profile event that attracted 800 participants enjoyed the support of the major media and the liberal establishment. Many Catholics disagreed with the call for inaction. They felt the need … Read more

GenZ Hiring Problems Reflect America’s Cultural Failure

GenZ Hiring Problems Reflect America’s Cultural Failure

Cultural changes driven by politics and social movements are having catastrophic effects on GenZ members entering the workforce. GenZ refers to those born between 1997 and 2012. Corporate initiatives like DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and a flawed education system are failing to teach them the basic social skills they need. These shortcomings are creating … Read more

How Modern Psychology Contributes to the Mental Health Crisis

How Modern Psychology Contributes to the Mental Health Crisis

America is being overwhelmed with a public health crisis. This is evidenced in rising levels of anxiety, depression, isolation, drug addiction, suicide and other psychological disorders, not to mention the deviations of homosexuality and transgenderism, which modern psychology largely fosters. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the crisis, with a notable impact on the elderly and young, … Read more

Urgent Book, ‘Return to Order’ Now Launched in Rome and Milan

Urgent Book, ‘Return to Order’ Now Launched in Rome and Milan

On February 8 and 15, the Italian Associazione Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà (TFP) held book launchings at its offices in Milan and Rome. They presented the ground-breaking book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go. The book was written by … Read more

Carbon Passports Wage a War on Traveling

Carbon Passports Wage a War on Traveling

Liberals defending the ecological agenda are promoting a new tax to curtail carbon emissions known as a “carbon passport.” It works like the carbon credit system that heavily incentivizes individuals to offset the effects of their carbon footprints with carbon-absorbing projects. The carbon passport would regulate individual travel based on global carbon consumption. The concept … Read more