Easy Chinese Money Acquires Sensitive Technology Under the Guise of Research

Easy Chinese Money Acquires Sensitive Technology Under the Guise of Research

Since China has problems producing cutting-edge technology, it must find other means. One resource is contracting American universities to do research and development, which then allows it to compete with the U.S. in the marketplace. This aggressive tactic has not endeared the Chinese to American politicians or businessmen. Such work with universities facilitates unfair trade … Read more

When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

California’s “Racial Justice Act” threatens to turn the very idea of justice on its head. The Act is a product of the overheated summer of 2020, an indirect result of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis the previous May. Self-Congratulation When he signed the Act, Governor Gavin Newsome’s celebratory press release contained a quotation from the … Read more

It’s Time To Stop Listening to the Boy Who Cried “Climate Change”

It’s Time To Stop Listening to the Boy Who Cried “Climate Change”

A recent article from the Associated Press quotes United Nations climate chief Simon Stiell, declaring that humans have just two years left to “save the world.” In his speech, he called for cutting fossil fuels and a “quantum leap” in climate funding. The article highlights the scaremongering of ecological extremism that makes climate activists look … Read more

Will State Lotteries, Casinos and Sportsbooks Promote Massive Problems that States Cannot Solve

Will State Lotteries, Casinos and Sportsbooks Promote Massive Problems that States Cannot Solve

“Gambling has an almost uniquely corrupting influence on governments…” That arresting line introduced a recent article from The Dispatch. It pointed out that many governments “count on gambling to produce a fairly reliable stream of revenue.” An Atmosphere of Attractive Risks Evidence of state-sponsored and tolerated gambling is everywhere. Among the fifty states, only Mississippi, … Read more

Swiss Guards Swear Their Oaths of Service to God and His Church

On May 6, the Vatican was host to the annual spectacle of the swearing-in ceremony for the Swiss Guards, with 34 new recipients making their solemn promise to serve and protect the Pope and cardinals, even to the point of laying down their lives. “I swear to serve faithfully, loyally and honorably the reigning Pontiff … Read more

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Right now, smartphone addiction is out of control. Things have reached such a point that the average American checks his phone 352 times a day—once every two minutes and 43 seconds. But right now, a restaurant in Italy—and free wine—is doing what many thought impossible: It is separating people from their phones. Order Today: Return … Read more

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

A new expression is increasingly appearing in the education press—student disengagement. This phenomenon takes two forms. Disengaged students are either not mentally prepared to learn in class or stay away from school altogether. The School as Therapy “Disengaged behavior” is nothing new. “Skipping school” is a practice that is as old as the schools themselves. … Read more

Irish Episcopal Reshuffle Highlights Decline of Faith in Nation

Irish Episcopal Reshuffle Highlights Decline of Faith in Nation

In a move that has been described as the largest restructuring of the Church in Ireland for nine centuries, Pope Francis recently moved several Irish bishops from their dioceses without appointing replacements, evidencing the decline of Catholicism in the nation. On April 10, the Holy See’s daily bulletin announced the moving of two Irish bishops … Read more

How a Lady With a Hat Found Trouble in Paradise

How a Lady With a Hat Found Trouble in Paradise

The elderly lady wore a hat. It was something I noticed in the terminal awaiting my flight. Her hat stood out since most people at airports don’t stand out. The normal ripped-and-casual wear at the gates is all the same, marked only by its banality and ordinariness. Inside the sterile atmosphere of most modern terminals, … Read more