Inside China’s Religious Conflict: Faith Confronted by Politics

Inside China’s Religious Conflict: Faith Confronted by Politics

The Church in China must yet endure more persecution. The government of Xi Jinping claims to respect religious freedom, but the harassment and indoctrination continue unabated. The latest manifestation of this true passion is reports that massive photographs of Chinese dictator Xi have replaced crucifixes, pictures of Our Lady and other sacred images indoctrination  in … Read more

A Sigh of Relief for Avoiding a Train Wreck Election

A Sigh of Relief for Avoiding a Train Wreck Election

Absorbing the surprising results of the November 2024 general election, the immediate sensation was one of relief. The media had prepared the country for a razor-close contest for president and Congress. Many did not expect an immediate outcome and thought the results would be both contested and take days to resolve. Fortunately, the winners received … Read more

Cuba’s Socialism Takes Its Energy Crisis to a New Low

Cuba’s Socialism Takes Its Energy Crisis to a New Low

The ongoing collapse of the Cuban electrical grid is not a typical power outage that most countries experience but the result of decades-long systemic neglect, underinvestment and reliance on obsolete technologies. Most Cuban power plants were built in the seventies and were expected to last 20 or 30 years. However, they are long overdue for … Read more

Crossing an Ocean to Become a Priest: Saint John Neumann’s Transatlantic Quest for Holiness

Crossing an Ocean to Become a Priest: Saint John Neumann’s Transatlantic Quest for Holiness

In Question 137 of his Summa Theologiae, Saint Thomas Aquinas discusses perseverance. There, the Angelic Doctor quotes Saint Augustine, “We hold that perseverance is a gift of God, whereby we persevere unto the end, in Christ.” A Paragon of Perseverance Perseverance is difficult. No matter how eagerly sought at its inception, any noble goal eventually involves sacrifice. Yet, fallen … Read more