Financial Incentives to Form Families in Hungary Fails to Lift Birth Rate

Viktor Orbán is, perhaps, the most enigmatic character on the world scene. Unquestionably, Hungary’s Prime Minister drives leftists to despair. He is best known for his pro-family policies that rely heavily upon subsidies to rebuild the structure of families. Many see these initiatives as a model for the West in general. However, despite massive funding … Read more

“New York, New York! Stand Up for the God-given Right to Life!”

“New York, New York! Stand up for the God-given Right to Life!”

Pro-Life slogans echoed through the streets as hundreds of enthusiastic pro-lifers marched through New York City’s Manhattan during the annual Gift of Life Walk held on Tuesday, March 25th. A Wake-up Call for a Pro-abortion State Vans and a busload of volunteers from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) … Read more

Can America Be Great If There Aren’t Enough Americans?

Can America Be Great If There Aren’t Enough Americans?

For many, American greatness is measured by its industrial might. However, a much more critical factor must be considered. America can only be great if there are enough Americans to keep the country running. In this regard, current trends are ominous. In 2023, the U.S. Census Bureau projected the likely direction of the U.S. population … Read more

Does Satan Reign in Kansas?

Does Satan Reign in Kansas?

The news has spread nationwide that the Satanic Grotto is planning to hold a Black Mass at the Kansas State Capitol Building in Topeka on March 28. The group has been banned from the rotunda and the Capitol grounds. However, it now says it will defy authorities and enter the State Capitol Building to hold … Read more

Saint Joseph, Martyr of Grandeur

Saint Joseph, Martyr of Grandeur

To even begin to comprehend the nature of Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, we must bear in mind two awe-inspiring facts. Saint Joseph is the virgin-husband of Our Lady and the guardian-father of Our Lord. The husband must be proportional to the wife. Saint Joseph’s spouse is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the most … Read more

Leftists Decry New Limits on the Environmental Protection Agency

Leftists Decry New Limits on the Environmental Protection Agency

Every salesman worth his commission check knows that his greatest ally is urgency. If the customers need something now, they are often willing to pay more for it or purchase it on impulse. Absent a pressing need, there are many strategies to build that sense of urgency, like saying that supplies are limited or offering … Read more