America’s Cancellation of the Net-Zero Agenda Will Impact China
America’s Cancellation of the Net-Zero Agenda Will Impact China Net-zero policies seek to balance a nation’s greenhouse gas emissions with those removed from the atmosphere. This is done through practices...
Four Years, $320 Million and Zero Bodies: The Mystery of the “Graves” at Canada’s Kamloops School
Four Years, $320 Million and Zero Bodies: The Mystery of the “Graves” at Canada’s Kamloops School The alleged discovery of 215 bodies in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British...
Russia Is No Place to Look for New Business Deals
Russia Is No Place to Look for New Business Deals After years of sanctions, some leaders are calling to welcome Russia back to the community of nations. They point out lost business opportunities that...
“Paranormal” Circus Tries to Normalize Demonic Themes Throughout America
“Paranormal” Circus Tries to Normalize Demonic Themes Throughout America A “paranormal” circus making its way through the country is pledging to bring wickedness and immorality to Americans’ hometowns...
What the Demise of the Lowly Penny Really Means
What the Demise of the Lowly Penny Really Means The new administration announced that the U.S. Mint will stop producing the penny coin. The penny, a mainstay piece of American currency, costs too much...
Ukrainian Bishop: Why are the Russians Putting up Statues of Stalin in Occupied Ukraine?
Ukrainian Bishop: Why are the Russians Putting up Statues of Stalin in Occupied Ukraine? An Interview by Crusade Magazine with Bishop Stepan Sus, Curial Bishop of Kyiv-Halyč, Ukraine, Titular Bishop of...
Protests Planned for Blasphemous “Black Mass” in Kansas State Capitol Building
Protests Planned for Blasphemous “Black Mass” in Kansas State Capitol Building FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TOPEKA, Kans.—On March 28, the Kansas State Capitol will be the site of a public sacrilege. A group...
Turning Just War Theory into Justified Surrender Theory
Turning Just War Theory into Justified Surrender Theory It is trendy to cite Church teaching when commenting on political affairs and foreign policy. The added authority of the Catholic Church gives force,...
The Art of Conversation II: Principles That Build Holy and Engaging Conversations
The Art of Conversation II: Principles That Build Holy and Engaging Conversations The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property held its annual National Conference on October 25-27,...
Martyred in Defense of Marriage: The Story of Father Pedro de Corpa and His Companions in Georgia
Martyred in Defense of Marriage: The Story of Father Pedro de Corpa and His Companions in Georgia On September 13, 1597, a Guale warrior named Juanillo attacked and killed Father Pedro de Corpa in what...
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- Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I–II, q. 2, a. 1.
- Pius XII, “Christmas Radio Message” (Dec. 24, 1948), (Our translation.)
- Most sources use the title “Fray” in connection with Pedro de Corpa and his companions. The title was common among Spanish Franciscans and is derived from the Latin term “frater.” The English equivalent is friar.
- Some sources use the name Francisco de Beráscola. In Spanish, “v” and “b” at the beginning of a word sound alike and are often mistaken for each other.