Unlock the Truth: ‘Return to Order’ Now Available in Portuguese

Unlock the Truth: ‘Return to Order’ Now Available in Portuguese
Unlock the Truth: ‘Return to Order’ Now Available in Portuguese

The award-winning book Return to Order, written by American author John Horvat II, has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese. The book analyzes the present-day crisis and proposes solutions based on the concept of an organic Christian society.

The Livraria Petrus imprint has published the new edition in São Paulo, Brazil. The book is also being promoted by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute throughout Brazil. The translation of the work is now available with the title Retorno Á Ordem: De uma economia frenética a uma sociedade cristã orgânica—Onde estávamos, como chegamos aqui e para onde devemos ir. The Portuguese version joins editions in German, Italian and Spanish.

Order Today Return to OrderOrder Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go


President of the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute Mario Navarro da Costa lavished praise on the book.

“This marvelous book provides a much-needed perspective for Brazil and the world. Over 400,000 copies have been have been distributed worldwide. The author studied under Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera, which makes reading it in Prof. de Oliveira’s native tongue most gratifying.”

 “I am delighted that Return to Order is finally in Portuguese,” author John Horvat II said. “I first met Professor Plinio in my early twenties and studied under him for many years. Much of what is written in Return to Order reflects his thought.”

There are already many American editions of Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go. The book’s circulation in hardcover, softcover, workbook, audiobook and e-book formats has reached the 400,000 copy mark. In addition, it has received endorsements from leading academic, political and religious leaders.

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Several prominent Brazilian figures and thinkers have already commented on the book’s timeliness beyond the American context. The most important is Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza, the head of Brazil’s Imperial family and a descendant of King Saint Louis IX.

“I have long desired a book capable of synthesizing the need for a genuine social restoration, not based on revolutionary utopias, but on historical experience illuminated and grounded by metaphysical and religious aspects. It is not the imagination of a false order that is so rife in our day but returning to an order that once existed and can inspire us.

“This book responds to that need and sets a clear goal. That is why I am so delighted to recommend it.”

Return to Order is the fruit of over twenty years of research and observation. Mr. Horvat draws from a broad and abundant variety of sources, including the social teachings of the Catholic Church. He crafted a message that seamlessly connects the economy, faith and moral values.

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“While written for an American audience, I feel the topics discussed in Return to Order apply to Brazil,” Mr. Horvat commented. “Brazilian friends tell me that the same problems are happening in their countries.”

John Horvat, vice president of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), has dedicated much time and effort to spreading his message. He has presented his book to audiences in more than 100 cities in America, Europe and South America. He has given over 700 media interviews since Return to Order’s first release in 2013. Mr. Horvat has also published hundreds of articles and op-eds that have appeared worldwide, including in The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Post, The Washington Times, Crisis Magazine, C-SPAN, The American Thinker, The Stream and TheBlaze.com.

The book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go is available in many formats at www.returntoorder.org. To celebrate the 400,000 mark, the author has made the English Kindle version of the book permanently free.

Go to www.returntoorder.org for your free copy online or for more information on Return to Order. To request a speaking engagement or an interview with Author John Horvat II, please email him at [email protected].

Free Portuguese versions: PDF, EPUB, AZW3, MOBI.