Sign petition against blasphemous “Conclave” film

A new film called “Conclave” is scheduled to be released in the United States on November 1, the feast of All Saints. Distributed by Black Bear UK by Focus Features, the film is an adaptation of a 2016 novel of the same name. After an unnamed Pope has died, a conclave is convoked, and a close race ensues for a handful of contenders. After all likely cardinals are put aside for questionable pasts, a Filipino ‘cardinal’ is elected, who turns out to be a female (hermaphrodite) that the late Pope had raised to the cardinalate in spite of her condition.

While the details of the film have not been revealed, film reviews indicate that the picture is a faithful adaptation of the book. The synopsis of the novel describes the ending as follows:

“The eighth ballot sees Vincent Benítez elected Pope with 92 votes, fulfilling the two-thirds majority requirement. Benítez consents to the honor and chooses the name Innocent XIV. Just before the result of the conclave is revealed to the world, however, O’Malley brings to Lomeli’s [the Dean in charge of the Conclave, called Lawrence in the film] attention that Benítez had booked and later abandoned an appointment at a gender reassignment clinic in Geneva earlier that year. Lomeli privately asks Benítez for an explanation. The new pope reveals that he was born intersex [i.e. a hermaphrodite] and raised as a male by his parents … Lomeli knows that Benítez’s secret will inevitably be discovered by a future medical examination or upon his death, but resolves to cover it up for now, trusting that God’s will guided the conclave’s outcome.”
(Source: Wikipedia .org; emphasis added)

Besides this, the protagonist of the film (Lawrence/Lomeli) calls upon the cardinals to elect a pope who doubts, and says that the greatest “sin” he fears is “certainty.” Of course, by pitting “doubt” against “certainty,” the film implies that immutable Truths and morals can be questioned and ultimately changed with time.

This film is an insult to God’s Church, Which is the Bride of Christ. It is a gross mockery of the Hierarchical Order which He established to govern His Church. It must be rejected by all Catholics. Please sign our urgent petition, demanding that Focus Features cancel the screening of this film at once.

Petition updated September, 9 2024.

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To: Focus Features
Black Bear UK (distributors)

I vehemently protest against the film "Conclave," and urgently request its cancellation. This work portrays a Papal Conclave that ultimately ends in the election of a hermaphrodite, and promotes doubt for the Church and Her structure.

This is sacrilegious, and offensive to Catholics worldwide. Above all, it is an insult to God's Church and His established order of the Church's Hierarchical Structure.

Cancel this film, and stop attacking Christ's Church.

Sincerely and urgently,
