The theme of battling for the Church and Christian civilization could not be more urgent. For this reason, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) held regional conferences in northern and southern California for friends and supporters.
On April 20, the TFP Southern California Regional Conference was held at the Anaheim Marriott Suites Hotel in Garden Grove. A day later, the Northern California Regional Conference took place at the Wyndham Hotel in Sacramento. The events featured TFP speakers John Horvat, Norman Fulkerson and Michael Whitcraft. An atmosphere of conviviality and seriousness dominated the program and meals.
Conference participants listen intently to John Horvat’s talk titled “Why a Return to Order Is the Only Solution to America’s Growing Polarization.”
As part of the Return to Order campaign, author John Horvat spoke at the events based on insights from his book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go.
Mr. Horvat explained that he believed the polarization in America is not due to the clash of two completely different ideologies but rather between two currents inside the single ideology of liberalism. What is needed to return to order is a change of mentality outside the liberal box.
Norman Fulkerson delivered a talk in celebration of the American TFP’s fiftieth anniversary. His history of the American TFP highlighted its special link with Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. The presentation also featured special episodes and biographies of early TFP members and supporters.
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Mr. Fulkerson outlined several major TFP campaigns and cited authors commenting on the impact of the TFP’s actions.
Michael Whitcraft discussed “The Role of Confidence as We Face Our Future.” He explained Catholic teaching on the virtue of confidence, a “super hope fortified by faith.” He especially stressed the reasons why one must confide in God and the Blessed Mother based on the commentaries of Prof. Corrêa de Oliveira. Everyone agreed that the meeting hit the point for these uncertain times.
As an added feature at the Sacramento event, Mr. Horvat delivered a more cultural talk titled “How the Art of Greeting Is Crucial to Communication and Catholic Civilization.” He spoke about the meaning of greetings having a special role in civilization and how the present culture hates greetings and their meanings.
The two events are part of the ongoing public actions of American TFP. Sacramento event organizer Philip Calder invited participants to join the TFP in attending the Sacramento March for Life at the State capitol the next day.