Protest Anti-Christian Halloween Display With Beheaded “Jesus”

Halloween is becoming ever more anti-Christian, and the latest attack is a display of a devil holding the head of a decapitated “Jesus.”

The Halloween display is set up in the front yard of a resident of Bucktown in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, and centers around a “church” of dead and bloodied churchgoers in pews. According to reports:

“Six weeks before [Halloween], this year’s work has already hit a nerve. That’s because towering over his yard is a two-story display of a blood-stained Satan holding the severed head of Jesus above a cru[c]ifix where the rest of His bloodied body hangs.

“For Miorana [who set up the display in his yard], the scene is an attempt to delve into the holiday’s scarier side. But the display has provoked outrage from some neighbors who say he has crossed the line from spooky to blasphemous.

“Despite threats and complaints from nearby residents, Miorana said he will not remove the display.”
(Source: www.nola .com; emphasis added)

In the center of the display are three crosses. The outside crosses have a bloody, skeletal nun and priest, while the center has a gory, headless body nailed to a cross. Over this cross is a grinning devil, covered in red, holding a thorn-crowned head in his right hand. Below is a tombstone that reads: “He Deserved It”.

When the display was brought to the attention of Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng, she admitted that it was “offensive”, but indicated that no action would be taken to remove the item. Condemning the display as “offensive” is not enough. This display must be removed! Blasphemy is not free speech!

Please sign our petition, urging the Parish Council to demand the removal of this violent, anti-Christian display.

P.S. This is a very time-sensitive issue.

If you can, consider contacting the following (Please be firm and respectful in your communications):

Call Mrs. Jennifer Van Vrancken, Councilwoman of District 5
Phone: 504-736-6634
Email: [email protected]

Contact Attorney General Jeff Landry
Phone: 225-326-6465

Sign your petition now!

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To: Jefferson Parish Council,

CC:  Mrs. Jennifer Van Vrancken, Councilwoman of District 5,
        Attorney General Jeff Landry

I am appalled that a violent and anti-Catholic Halloween display is allowed to stand at Bucktown, in Jefferson Parish.

This display features dead and bloodied churchgoers, rotting corpses of a nun and a priest, and a figure on a cross meant to be Jesus which is gory, and whose disembodied head is being brandished by a devil.

This is a blasphemous mockery of Jesus Christ and of Christians worldwide. Moreover, the display comes at a time of violence against Christians, with an increase of vandalism and burning of churches.

Most importantly, this is a deliberate offense against God, Who died on the Cross to forgive sins and redeem mankind.

I urgently demand that this display be immediately removed. Blasphemy is not free speech.

Sincerely and urgently,