Thank you for signing the pledge to boycott the NFL

Thank you for signing the pledge to boycott the NFL for as long as it takes for them to restore order to the playing field and have players stand for the national anthem in the traditional manner.

Since the success of the national boycott depends on how many people stop watching the NFL games, I urge you to take the time to copy and paste the pre-made message below and send it to your friends. Or you can simply send them this link.

Thanks again, and God Bless!

I remain,


John Horvat II

——-Copy and Paste Message Below——-

Hi! I just signed an online pledge to boycott watching the NFL for as long as it takes for them to restore order among the players and once again honor and respect for the national anthem in the traditional way. I ask you to please join me and take the same pledge. Please sign it by following THIS LINK. Thank you!