Free ‘Return to Order’ Study Guide Now Available

Wisdom: Treating People Like People
Author John Horvat was pleased to announce that a study guide is now available.

Since its publication, the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go, has circulated far and wide. Demand for the book prompted the publication of a second hardcover edition, two paperback editions and two workbook format editions. The e-book and an audiobook have also been popular. Many have asked for a study guide to help them discuss the book.


On July 30, author John Horvat was pleased to announce that a study guide is now available. The e-version of the study guide can be found on the Return to Order web site and downloaded here.

“Many have commented that Return to Order is a very intense book and needs to be discussed in depth,” Mr. Horvat said. “Here is a study guide with summaries, discussion questions and answers that ensures that each chapter can provide a long and enjoyable evening of conversation and debate.”

The study guide was put together to help organize the discussion of Return to Order. Its 51 chapters and conclusion lend themselves well to a weekly yearlong study. For this reason, a chapter-by-chapter guide has been provided.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to make such a huge effort. For those with less time, the readers can choose chapters out of each of the book’s nine sections. Study groups might even discuss two or three related chapters at a single meeting. In a very “organic” fashion, those using this guide can decide how to accommodate the material to the time they have available.

“The format is very flexible,” Mr. Horvat commented. “It’s wonderful that study groups will now have this excellent aid to have fruitful discussions.”


The guide highlights issues of vital importance to the future of the nation. It will help readers understand and prepare themselves to deal with a coming economic crisis by proposing solutions based on the timeless principles of an organic Christian society.

Use this guide as a way to enrich the reading of this book and hasten America’s return to order by downloading it here.