Faithful Catholics Protest Olympic Blasphemy at French Embassy

Faithful Catholics Protest Olympic Blasphemy at French Embassy
Faithful Catholics Protest Olympic Blasphemy at French Embassy

Has France lost her Catholicity?

On August 3, 2024, twenty-seven enraged Catholics protested the Paris Olympics’ blasphemy outside the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. Their message was clear: President Emmanuel Macron needs to offer an unequivocal apology to Catholics worldwide.

Blasphemous Olympic Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics was like a scene from hell. Millions of viewers were disgusted and shocked at the now-infamous mockery of the Last Supper. Sodomites, transvestites and drag queens participated in this blasphemous depiction.

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After public outcry, the Olympic organizers made a weak statement that was anything but an apology.

Catholic Response to the Olympic Blasphemy

Catholics cannot stay silent when Our Lord is attacked.

In response to this public blasphemy, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) published an online petition of protest, which has garnered over 60,000 signatures on three websites.

However, the TFP is not just an online group. TFP volunteers and other faithful Catholics held a public rosary rally of protest and reparation outside the French embassy.

Catholics Protest Olympic Blasphemy at French Embassy

Their banner read, “Shame on the Paris Olympics for its vile blasphemy against God and Christianity.”

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The Catholics prayed three rosaries in reparation. A TFP bagpiper also played music, including the hymn of Saint Joan of Arc.

A statue of Our Lady of Fatima presided over the prayerful protest.

“Shame on Macron”

The sentiments of the Catholic protesters were those of justified anger and sadness.

A protester exclaimed, “It saddens me to see the France of Saint Louis and Saint Joan of Arc dragged down to such a state.”

Our Lady of Fatima statue presided over the prayerful protest
A statue of Our Lady of Fatima presided over the prayerful protest of the Paris Olympics’ blasphemy outside the French Embassy in Washington, D.C.

A Vietnamese lady and native French speaker was extremely upset about the blasphemy. “I sent a letter to Macron. We are outraged. How dare he allow this? Shame on Macron!”

Yet another protested, “The Olympics organizers used a world platform to promote blasphemy. It is shameful.”

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The Despoiled “First-born Daughter of the Church”

France is known as the “first-born daughter of the Church.” She was the first nation to convert as a people. Can this honorable title still be proclaimed in France?

Catholics Protest Olympic Blasphemy at French Embassy

The remnants of France’s Catholic culture are still present, especially in Paris. Notre Dame, the Sainte-Chapelle, the relics of the Crown of Thorns and many other Catholic marvels testify to France’s title.

The ugly happenings of the Olympics opening ceremony are despoiling France’s Catholicity. True lovers of God and his Church need to stand up, protest and make reparation.