Photo: © Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0 DEED
The International Russophile Movement (MIR), founded last year in Moscow on the initiative of Bulgarian socialist Nicolay Malinov, held its second Congress on February 26-27.
The first day featured a “Forum on Multipolarity,” a term dear to all those who see themselves as opponents of Western universalism.
The second day was devoted to the Russophile movement with a clear objective: to agree on the need for a “multipolar world structure,” “based on mutual respect,” as they put it, but fundamentally a unique globalist structure (a globalism built up in regional stages, as Alex Newman of The New American recently pointed out).
Like last year, the Moscow event received Vladimir Putin’s blessing, and prominent members of his administration participated. That is all the more noteworthy given that the “brains” behind the MIR consist of two people. The first is none other than oligarch Konstantin Malofeev, whose St. Basil’s Foundation has lobbied pro-family movements in the West. The second is Alexander Dugin, the movement’s resident thinker, who participates in all its media initiatives. This Gnostic philosopher is the creator of the “Fourth Political Theory.” Dugin follows in the footsteps of René Guénon and a host of occultists described here by John Lamont.
Without going so far as to say that Dugin is Putin’s éminence grise (there’s no proof of that), we can at least see the coherence and unity of thought between the two men.
Putin’s Message to the Second International Russophile Movement Congress
Putin sent his greetings to this second MIR congress, stressing that “the Russophile movement is making a significant contribution to the fight against the collective West’s attempts to isolate Russia and is helping to spread objective information about the country abroad.” He praised the Congress for its work against what he called “anti-Russian falsehoods and propaganda myths.”
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Putin also praised the fact that this year’s event brought together hundreds of delegates from over 130 countries on all continents—an improvement on the first Congress, which brought together 90 people representing 42 countries. “Such a representative composition of participants clearly demonstrates that the international social movement of Russophiles is growing, growing with confidence and gaining new supporters,” the Russian head of state said.
The meetings were held at the Lomonosov Pole Lomonosov Innovation Centre of Moscow State University in Moscow. They were graced by the presence of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who read out Putin’s message, declaring, without laughing: “Our country will pursue a peaceful and constructive foreign policy based on non-interference in the affairs of other states.”
He promised “a fairer multipolar order designed to ensure the prosperity of all mankind, not just the so-called ‘golden billion.’”
Everyone agreed that Putin is the champion of the values of all present.
The International Russophile Movement Preaches Peace and Goodwill (and Supports the Invasion of Ukraine)
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zhakarova also spoke at the opening of the “Forum on Multipolarity.” She denounced the prevailing “antagonism” among people today, asserting that Russia offers a contrary program: “We are establishing a unifying program. There are no preconditions; it’s not compulsory. It doesn’t represent a form of dictatorship, administrative control or elements of totalitarianism. It’s a unification based on that goodwill we hear so little about today.”
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Is this why China, in particular, took center stage? The conference leaders extolled this still Communist China for its “role in a multipolar world.” China was represented in particular by Eric X. Li, founder of Guancha Online Media, the voice of Chinese “nationalism.”
Guancha presents itself as an independent media outlet, which is surprising in a country like China, where the Communist Party controls everything. However, Eric Li, a Berkeley and Stanford graduate and darling of globalist platforms like the Aspen Institute and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, loudly proclaims his attachment to China’s one-party system. He argued in a TED Talk that electoral democracy doesn’t work, which shows his positions are not so different from the ideology of those in power and, therefore, are no concern to them. Moreover, his main associates are close to those in power.
Following the tyrannical COVID-19 quarantines in China, Li wrote in Foreign Policy that the government’s response to the pandemic proved once again that China’s one-party system is not only superior to democratically elected governments but more popular. “Only a high degree of confidence on the part of the people in the expertise and capacity of their political institutions can result in such observance,” he wrote.
Second Russophile Congress Welcomes Che Guevara’s Daughter
However, the propaganda doesn’t stop there. Malofeev and Dugin’s Tsargrad website made it very clear: “The plan for the collapse of the West is ready: Elites from 130 countries have gathered in Moscow.” European “elites,” in particular, were singled out. There was the presence of Pierre de Gaulle, grandson of Charles de Gaulle, presented as “a supporter of Greater Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals and an alter-globalist,” and Fabrice Sorlin, a Frenchman living in Moscow, who moderated one of the conferences. Did other Frenchmen attend? We’ll find out later, but it’s worth noting the presence—among many others—of African-American Cynthia McKinney, a former U.S. House of Representatives member elected in 1992 on the Democratic ticket, who later switched to the U.S. Green Party.
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The MIR also welcomed Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s eldest daughter, Aleida, an avowed Marxist and great admirer of her bloodthirsty father, and the author of a book praising Chávez, Venezuela and the New Latin America.
Many guests came from Africa and the Muslim world. “Multipolarity” is based on respect for all the great so-called traditional religions, identified in some way with their major geographical areas, and which must be preserved (to the exclusion of all Christian evangelization).
On the geopolitical front, the session was dedicated to the “global South.” The purpose was to spread the idea of cutting off developing countries from Western “hegemony,” but, in fact, the result is the creation of one more dialectic fracture line.
Aleksandr Dugin Wants to Create a “New World” with the International Russophile Movement
On this subject of creating this break with the West, Aleksandr Dugin said:
“The people who will build a new multipolar world have gathered here. In this respect, they are more than like-minded people. The concept of like-minded people suggests that we have an idea. But we don’t yet have an idea as such—we’re just developing it and looking for it. And these people represent their civilizations—Chinese, Indian, Islamic, African, Latin American. These civilizations are alternatives to the West, which are also looking for their own ideas today. Our categorical rejection of American hegemony and a unipolar world unites us. But we still don’t really know what kind of world we want. Yes, right now, we are united by our rejection of American hegemony. We don’t want that, and we don’t want liberalism. Everyone here does not want that, including the representatives of Western countries who have come to Moscow recently. This is what we call the counter-elite. There are ruling elites—the globalists—and a global counter-elite. And today, this counter-elite is meeting in Russia. We are people with enormous intellectual potential, education, will and knowledge who disagree with the Western ruling class. This counter-elite has gathered here to build the parameters of a multipolar world. We are truly creating a new world. And it’s not pathetic.”
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Many people disagree with the Western globalist leaders who reject Christian civilization and morality. However, this position does not automatically put them on the bandwagon of Putin…who, whatever one may say, is not the champion of Christianity.
From the Comoros, Muhammad Maarouf, a graduate of a Soviet university and U.N. program manager, especially attacked France at the Congress:
“All of Africa today is for Russia. Because your country has always fought against Western colonialists, has never exploited slaves from our continent, and has contributed to the sovereign development of African countries.
“After all, what is France doing in Africa today, for example? The French are plundering African countries. Under the pretext of fighting terrorism, they are creating instability in the Sahel countries.
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“That’s why today, myself and many other Africans are in Moscow to support Russia in the fight against neo-colonialism.”
The USSR, Guardian of Freedom!
The former prime minister of the Slovak Republic, octogenarian Jan Czarnogursky, a celebrated anticommunist but also a “Russophile,” took center stage as the highest-ranking foreign politician attending the MIR meeting. He declared:
“We can tell the world that at key moments in world history, Russians have defended and preserved their freedom and that of other peoples. Last time, in the Second World War (for Russia, the Great Patriotic War), without the struggle and sacrifices of Russia (the USSR), the victory over Hitler would not have been decisive.”
Does he really mean the freedom of other peoples? What about Yalta? And the division of Europe that threw Czechoslovakia under the Soviet boot?
Czarnogursky continued:
“After the war and up to the seventies, without Russia’s direct or indirect support, many countries would not have been able to free themselves from the colonial yoke. Even now. …”
Yes, decolonization was encouraged, supported and armed by the Soviet Union and often carried out with bloodshed. And many ex-colonies were plunged into Communist tyranny and misery. Should this be forgotten in the name of “Russophilia”?
Afrique Média’s YouTube channel published the video of the Forum on Multipolarity with French dubbing. It shows the video speech by Most Rev. Carlo-Maria Viganò, who had already spoken at the first MIR congress last year. His message was followed by that of an Islamic philosopher specializing in Islamic eschatology, Sheikh Imran Hosein, formerly of Cairo’s Al-Azhar University, who preached “diversity” and “the brotherhood of humanity in this diversity” against those who feel “superior” within the framework of “unipolarity” and the desire to “civilize others.”
Pan-Africanism in the Spotlight: the 2nd MIR Congress Also Preaches a Form of Globalism
French-Beninese pan-Africanist Kémi Seba, a once officially bigamist black supremacist known for calling whites “leucoderms” and advocating apartheid, also spoke. Le Monde quoted him as admitting to having received material support from Evgeny Prigozhin in exchange for “calling on African youth to take violent action against French interests in Africa.”
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Born a Muslim, he is now a “Kemite”—a religion inspired by ancient Egypt, from which he created his famous Ka Tribe. According to the Beninese newspaper Notre époque, he loudly rejects “Western dogmas and doctrines adopted by Africans,” which “constitute the pillars of the entrenchment of underdevelopment in Africa.”
His Moscow speech was smoother, but his message sums up his hatred of the West. Some might say that the decadent West deserves this hatred. However, it is only not the decadence that is the object of this resentment against the continent that brought the Catholic faith to the ends of the earth.
This article originally appeared at this link: https://reinformation.tv/congres-mouvement-russophile-international-smits/