John Horvat II
(717) 309-7147
Verona, Italy, January 5, 2024—The award-winning book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Order—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go has been published in Italy, where it will be available in bookstores on January 5.
The well-known Italian Catholic publishing house Fede & Cultura of Verona is releasing the book with the title Ritorno All’Ordine: Da Un’ Economia Frenetica A Una Società Cristiana Organica. This fourth foreign translation joins editions in Spanish, Portuguese and German.
The decision to translate the work into Italian was prompted by interest in the Italian-speaking world. Many people felt the principles found in Return to Order are entirely applicable to the challenge faced by Italy today.
“Needless to say, I’m delighted by the reception the book is getting everywhere, and now in Italy,” says author John Horvat II. “The growing cultural chaos makes the themes in the book ever more timely.”
Return to Order helps readers understand better what went wrong in today’s economy and culture. It outlines solutions based on organic Christian principles that are attracting attention worldwide. It is now available in hardcover, softcover, workbook, CD, audiobook, and e-book formats. Return to Order has received dozens of endorsements from leading academic, political, military and religious leaders.
“The eyes of conservative Catholics around the world, and especially in Europe, are set on the United States because of so many wholesome reactions,” said Julio Loredo, President of Associazione Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà. “Can these reactions play a central role in Italy in a counter-revolutionary manner in the years to come? This only seems possible if Italians understand that they have to abandon that ‘frenetic intemperance’ denounced by Mr. Horvat in his book and open themselves up to Divine grace and, with it, to conversion. This is the sense of Horvat’s book Return to Order. I’m sure the Italian public will appreciate this work.”
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John Horvat, vice president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), has presented his book to audiences in more than 100 cities in America, Europe and South America. He has given over 700 media interviews since Return to Order was first released in 2013. He has also published hundreds of articles and op-eds that have appeared worldwide, including in The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Post, The Washington Times, Crisis Magazine, C-SPAN, American Thinker, The Imaginative Conservative and many others.
Close to 400,000 copies of John Horvat’s award-winning book Return to Order are now in circulation. This milestone confirms the timeliness of this work, which offers extraordinary insights.
To get a copy of Ritorno All’Ordine: Da Un’economia Frenetica A Una Società Cristiana Organica, go to www.fedecultura.com.
For more information on Return to Order, go to www.returntoorder.org. To request a speaking engagement or an interview with Author John Horvat II, please call 717-309-7147 or e-mail jh1908@aol.com.