By doubling down on re-inviting the blasphemous “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” to receive an award on June 16, the Los Angeles Dodgers provoked the indignation of countless Catholics nationwide.
Despite widespread calls to call off the symbolic gesture, the Dodgers were unmoved. They prized the validation of the nation’s woke establishment much more than their fans.
Thousands came to protest on the afternoon of June 16 in front of Dodger Stadium to register their outraged rejection of this offensive and foul affair. The U.S. Bishops Conference labels this act as blasphemous. That means it is a sin that offends God, not just Catholics.
Adding insult to injury, the award-giving ceremony was held on the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The feast honors the Heart of Jesus, who loves humanity with ardent love yet suffers greatly because of humanity’s sins. June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
On this great feast day, the Dodgers honored these “sisters” who call upon the public to “Go forth and sin some more.” These male “nuns” mock the Catholic faith in unspeakable ways. The Dodgers are endorsing horrible acts of blasphemy, like mock crucifixions, before the eyes of the world.
The Dodgers must apologize to Catholics if they are to make reparation for their grave sin in some way. They have betrayed the trust of Catholics and show no sign of repentance.
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However, in a cynical announcement almost worse than the award, the Dodgers threw a bone to Christians hoping to recuperate some of their fans. After ignoring and insulting Catholics on a special feast day, the Dodgers announced a “Christian Faith and Family Day” on July 30.
“Excited to announce the relaunch of Christian Faith and Family Day at Dodger Stadium on July 30. More details to come—but we are grateful for the opportunity to talk about Jesus and determined to make it bigger and better than it was before COVID. Hope to see you on July 30!” said one promotional tweet.
By this cynical move, the Dodgers suggest the two events are equivalent—the June 16 anti-family “Pride” night with its award ceremony and the July 30 Christian Faith and Family Day with its respect for God’s Law. For them, there is no clash between the two concepts. Blasphemy and Christian family piety can live together in peaceful coexistence. There is no such thing as sin. There is no good. There is no evil. Anyone can offend God at will. It is all about having fun at the ball game.
This “value-neutral” charade, which is not neutral, must be rejected. Like Bud Light and Target, the Dodgers have betrayed the trust of their fans. The club has shamelessly imposed a sinful agenda upon them and now wants to reconcile everyone shamelessly.
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This perverse mixture of right and wrong is why America is in the present mess. There is no definition for things, words—or even sexes. Everything is in disorder. And now, even blasphemy is honored on the Feast of the Sacred Heart! The thousands of protesters at Dodgers Stadium understood this offense.
Russel Kirk once wrote that order “implies the obedience of a nation to the laws of God, and the obedience of individuals to just authority. Without order, justice rarely can be enforced, and freedom cannot be maintained.”
The Dodgers’ “Christian Faith and Family Day” must be rejected. It is a shameless farce. It hides a perverse mentality that mocks God and His Law and is tearing down America. Such a cynical attitude undermines order and destroys true freedom.
Catholic Americans must tell the Dodgers: “Until you apologize to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you and your Christian Faith and Family Day can get lost!”
Remember Bud Light. Remember Target. Christ is King!
Photo Credit: © Larry Gibson – stock.adobe.com