Recently, my fellow TFP volunteer, Jonathan Marin and I, made a trip down to Chesapeake, Virginia, about an hour’s drive from the historic Jamestown settlement.
The reason for our trip was not to visit this historic site. Instead, we came to join a group of local Catholics in opposing the sinister After School Satan Club at B. M. Williams Primary School. It is an ongoing protest which we as young people need to resist.
A Public Square Rosary Rally opposing the Satan Club was held outside Chesapeake’s Municipal Center, with about 30 people in attendance. “I think it’s ridiculous, but who would think they would have an After School Satan Club?” rally organizer, Steve Scheerbaum, asked attendees. “Please just speak up against something,” he added, referring to a public library board meeting about the club taking place later that evening.
Chesapeake’s residents are no strangers to adversity and tragedy. Only months before, a man had walked into a Walmart break room with a gun, tragically killing 6 workers. Eerily, it was discovered that the shooter had left a death note in which he said: “I did not plan this I promise things just fell in place like I was led by the Satan.”1
Then in February, the Satanic Temple received permission to start an After School Satan Club at B. M. Williams Primary School. The resulting uproar spread even more fear and chaos at the diabolical inroads into the community.
Protecting the Innocence of Children
It was in this supercharged atmosphere that the school board met to discuss allowing the Satan Club to continue meeting on school property. Attendees from the Public Square Rosary Rally, earlier that afternoon, came to the public meeting to voice their disapproval of the Satanists’ program.
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A Catholic lady, Elaine Franco, went up to the podium to voice her opposition. “It makes no sense that educators agreed to allow a group of Satanists to have access to young children. School officials seem to care more about being politically correct than about the wellbeing of the children.” Mrs. Franco said, adding that “at issue is protecting children from questionable individuals.” Another lady strongly stated, “Satan is the father of lies and this club is the spawn of the Satanic Temple.”
“It appears that the superintendent literally made a deal with the devil,”2 another lady added, referring to the school board’s approval of the Satan Club to meet on its premises.
Sadly, when it came time for the school board to vote, some board members who had been elected based on anti-woke, and anti-critical race theory platforms voted 5-4 in favor of allowing the Satan Club to continue meeting.
Taking Action Against Satan Clubs
What can we do about these inroads of the Satanists into all aspects of life?
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First, we must be vigilant. As Saint Peter wisely counsels: “Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour.”(1 Peter 5:8). So the first step is to be on the alert, and keep an eye on what is being promoted in local schools, libraries, etc.
A second point is to take action. Unfortunately, many times the evil people are much cleverer and better organized than the good people. Just one example of a means of action could be to form a prayer group that can react to any Satanist activity by launching a public Rosary rally before it is approved. When elected officials betray the trust of the voter, the public must keep up the pressure and protest.
Finally, we must confide in Our Blessed Mother. Devotion to Our Lady, especially through the Holy Rosary, is essential in these troubled times. We need to remember that God promised in Sacred Scripture that Our Lady will crush the head of the devil. With this certainty of victory, we must press forward in this spiritual battle with courage and confidence.
1. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139205402/virginia-walmart-shooting-andre-bing-death-note
2. https://chesapeake.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=25