“Not your body, not your choice. The baby’s body, the baby’s voice!”
That slogan put pro-abortion liberals in downtown Chicago on the defensive when volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) visited the Windy City on August 15, 2022.
With bagpipes, banners, and pro-family leaflets, TFP volunteers stepped out of their comfort zone and faced scorn and vitriol from pro-abortion advocates. However, the insults did not dishearten them. With enthusiasm, they engaged in fruitful conversations with people on the street, encouraging everyone to continue the good fight for a Godly culture, the end of the sin of abortion, and the rebuilding of the family.
As abortion radicals attack and vandalize Catholic churches, the TFP’s action is peaceful and legal. The TFP volunteers offered the hardship of traveling from city to city as a way to make reparation for the horrendous sins committed against God by abortion. The road trip through several Midwestern states, also known as a caravan, is a highly effective way to influence public opinion.
“Say Goodbye to Roe v. Wade! And Thank God it’s in the Grave!”
Finding a busy thoroughfare, TFP members set up the campaign. Passersby couldn’t miss the large banner: “Say goodbye to Roe v. Wade! And thank God it’s in the grave!” The message delighted pro-lifers yet infuriated pro-abortionists who hurled foul insults and gestures at the TFP campaigners. Those given over to sin and error gave vent to their hatred for the truth.
Demonic Abortion Rage
“You should all have been aborted! You should all have been slaughtered!” was the cry of a pro-death advocate at her wits end after finding herself unable to refute on volunteer’s anti-abortion logic. Gasping for straws, the pro-abort asked, “Where are all the women?” as if women were the only ones with the right to defend innocent human life. However, Michael Aguilera said, “Millions of women are killed in the womb, and we cannot be silent when innocent blood is spilled in our nation.”
One feminist displayed demonic hatred. When Jonathan, a TFP volunteer from Texas, said, “A baby is a blessing, not a disease,” she responded, “I’m going to have an abortion” and want to “bathe in my child’s blood.”
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More frequently than in the past, pro-abortion advocates acknowledged that abortion takes a human life. “Yeah, it’s a baby, but it is still my choice!” is the attitude. They acknowledge the baby in the womb is real, alive and innocent, but they would rather snuff that life out than stop living a dissolute life. Pleasure is their god.
Bulldogs for the Unborn
Despite unpleasant encounters, many others proclaimed their enthusiastic approval with fiery words of encouragement. “You need to keep after these Chicagoans like bulldogs!” said one Chicago resident. “Never give up when innocent life is under attack!”
Another man tested a TFP volunteer: “But what about rape?”
TFP: “Why should the baby get the death penalty for the crime of the father?”
“Yeah, I like that. Good response.”
Never Surrender
A combination of car “honks” of support, the sound of bagpipes and drums, as well as the constant pro-family slogans, helped subdue the screaming opposition.
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The more TFP volunteers kept their calm, the more pro-abortion tempers flared, revealing to the general public the contrast between the courtesy and civility of the pro-life side and the insults, invectives and abuse on the other. At a glance, Chicagoans could see the difference between those who defend and love God’s law and those ensnared by the Culture of Death.
With the spirit of crusaders, TFP volunteers pushed on to more cities, renewing their prayers and commitment to fight for the conversion of America and the end of abortion. Deus vult!